Since I can't hear an alarm go off (I'm hard of hearing) I have to use one that has a vibrator and a light that flashes. It works really well! Its also really nice, my brother got one too (for the same reason as me).
Squidy wrote:
I use a lamp and a timer. I can't stand anything that beeps loudly and if I set the alarm clock to click on to a radio station, I just stay in bed and listen to the radio until I fall asleep again. So I bought a lamp from Ikea - one that screws into the wall. I put it right over my head and put it on a timer. It sucks getting hit in the face with a bright light, but at least I don't have to deal with the beeping alarm clock! Plus, it's a better motivator than coffee to get moving.
Squidy- you should try this alarm too, it actually is an alarm. The company is called Sonic Alert, just google it to find the website.
Anyone can buy one of these! I think it would help any of you who have problems with loud noises.