Ever been picked on by a teacher mercilessly? misunderstood?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Jul 2008, 1:09 pm

I had one teacher who would regularly remind the class that I was "very, very lazy."


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22 Jul 2008, 1:56 pm

Yes absolutely! But teachers weren't the only one who picked on me! I had problems in school from 1st grade on. Once I got blamed for a girl losing her memory...we were in 2nd or 3rd grade. I was involved, but the story got twisted around. It went from her tripping while she was running & pulling me along. Both of us fell, she hit her head on the asphalt. The story was changed to I pushed her down hard-other kids who tormented/bullied me who told both the playground monitors & it got round to the principal. The principal pulled me into his office & interrogated me for a long long time...seemed like hours. I never changed my story, but no one believed one word of what I said & I got labeled as a trouble maker from that day forward. Kids would even do stuff to me & tell the teacher that I did stuff to them & I got in trouble. She never bothered to check or anything, she just railed on me!

I couldn't wait to get out of school!


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22 Jul 2008, 2:08 pm

All the time. My first kindergarden teacher couldn't stand me. I was hyper, obsessive and withdrawn. I had a compulsion at that time that a picture of a giraffe always had to be with a picture of a zebra and vice versa. We were given a worksheet with various groups of animals to count. One was a group of giraffes, instead of panic and have a meltdown I drew a picture of a zebra. I was so proud of myself for not having a meltdown. Some bratty blonde girl tattles on me and the teacher struts over to my desk red pen in hand and X's out my zebra. I regret not having a Tasmanian devil-ese meltdown to make her regret what she did. I was also could not write my name the way NT's saw fit. Onece we were supposed to write our names to stick in a stupid cardboard schoolbus. I tried and tried to write my name but the teacher kept pushing until I was crying. My mother came to pick me up, I ran to her but the teacher grabbed me and said I needed to finish writing my name. I couldn't stand to be grabed back them so I kicked her as hard as a I could and ran to my mother and jumped in her arms. My mother was furious when she found out what happened. She told me to wait in the hall while she went in a verbably abused the teacher. I never went back to that school and started kindergarden a year later at the local school district. My kindergarden and first grade teachers were saints. My second grade teacher was always threatning to send me back to kindergaren because I could not stay in the lines when I colored (which was due to an undiagnosed seziure disorder), she also would tie hyperactive kids to tables. My phocologist came to the school and told her that if she even thought of doing that to me if my paretns did not sue her he would himself. She also didn't explain how to do projects and would verbably abuse me when mine came out wrong. My third grade teacher was just unorginased and didn't have that much paitence. My fourth grade teacher grabbed my arm and left a horrible bruse (I was talking to a mother at our homeschool sale who has an Autistic kid and when he was in public school this same woman left a bruise on his arm). My art teacher didn't like me because I thought outside the box. She once had a sub teacher and we were supposed to read apaper on VanGough when I asked why we wern't painting or drawing she put me in the courner for the rest of the class. The next time she came she walked into the room, pointed at me and then at the courner. I couldn't write in cursive and the special ed teacher would give me hell about it accusing me of being lazy. I was once supposed to help my best friend with a project and when it came out wrong she yelled at me. I can't control my facial expression so she thought I was smiling and yelled at me for that. When I would ask the teacher to repeat the instructions she would say "I already explained it. It's not my fault if you weren't listining." My bus driver loved to torument me. I had two stuffed animals I had to take with me or else I would have a panic attack. He stopepd the bus for over an hour to try to get me to hand them over. I didn't. He got in huge trouble for that too because the animals were written in my IEP. I will dance at these peoples' funerals.


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22 Jul 2008, 2:50 pm

When I was a kid they thought my work was done by someone else, because they thought it was too good to be from anyone but an adult.

I had the whole 5th and 6th grade of teachers trying every loophole to expel me for supposedly being mentally deficient and insane. They supported the students in bullying me too, telling them my scores and bullying along openly.

They couldn't work it out though and thus had me fail the grade despite that I knew everything. Yeah, I didn't do anything to get me expelled, haha! Not that I was aware of what would get me expelled or not, but I was good behaved, just very obviously somewhat autistic.

Then in 7th to 9th grade another school treated me as if I was a dangerous animal and threatened to expel me too. One even publicity said I should be lock-up and restrained. Can't believe that's allowed! That's one woman I held a grudge against for the following 2 years.

Or locking people in rooms! They locked the door behind me, I don't think that's allowed.

And in the last few years, some teachers just thought I was less intelligent than the others and treated me like it. Most thought I was the average student.

But some teachers were just being an arse to everybody. They had their pets and gave the rest of the class bad grades. I was very lucky to have another teachers sitting in my exam, which prompted my grade to climb 8 to 11 points by just fairly grading my work.

And of course two years ago I was treated like a criminal because I supposedly had stolen stuff.

Last year, I had to laugh out loud when teachers and students started to discuss the 'genius boy with an IQ of 140'. The amazing IQ score, nobody of us (=us students) could imagine what an IQ like that meant.

What the heck! I seriously debated giving them a copy of my IQ score to see the faces.

I want to be called genius too! But I figured it was pretty useless, because who cares what they think?

Anyway, that event did it for me. Teachers know nothing about children.

I never learnt much in school. No language, no subject. Not even writing or reading or doing arithmetic. I mean, seriously, why did I have to go there then? I nearly failed everything, because people discredited my work. In higher grades they always said 'we cannot understand you. Whatever you write, we can't understand half or 2/3 of it'.

Going to school to socialise normally? I'm autistic, give me break.

Regular public school is a real waste sometimes.

Autism + ADHD
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22 Jul 2008, 3:31 pm

When I was a kid they thought my work was done by someone else, because they thought it was too good to be from anyone but an adult.

Yes, I remember that. That happened to me a few times too.
I also used to get into trouble for not showing my working sometimes(even though I got the answer right).



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22 Jul 2008, 3:59 pm

SpiceWolf wrote:
When I was a kid they thought my work was done by someone else, because they thought it was too good to be from anyone but an adult.

Yes, I remember that. That happened to me a few times too.


I was known as that well-read and smart girl so I didn't encounter problems of this kind or at least I don't remember such situations apart from one when I was 12 and our new Polish teacher wanted us to write poems about "our world" as our homework and when it was my turn to read it aloud, she expressed some doubts if I wrote it myself because of some expressions that seemed to her a bit too mature as for someone of my age then. But her doubts dispelled when my class stood up for me, telling her I was simply really good at this subject. (Anyway, I remember about that lesson that one girl's "My world" poem was copied from poetry column in "Bravo Girl", a magazine for teen girls but I didn't say a word then and nobody else seemed to realize it :lol: :twisted: .)

Last edited by Irulan on 22 Jul 2008, 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Jul 2008, 4:17 pm

PunkyKat wrote:
My mother was furious when she found out what happened. She told me to wait in the hall while she went in a verbably abused the teacher. I never went back to that school and started kindergarden a year later at the local school district.

If I ever dared to do a thing like that, I would be verbally (and not only verbally) abused by my mother instead of a teacher. I was punished and shouted at even for smaller things.

Once for example, I remember, I forgot about one exercise and didn't do it. Obviously I got 1 - the lowest mark - when teacher asked me about it. When my mother and I were coming home that day (according to my mother I was too young to be allowed to go home on my own) I told her about it and she started to shout at me (it's good I hit upon an idea to tell her in the street not already in the house because then I'd be beaten for this). When already at home, she forced me to do that f*****g exercise for the whole evening (it was long), as if it was to help. And as if anybody was to pay attention in my future life that when I was 7 year old I failed one homework 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O


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22 Jul 2008, 7:22 pm

although I wasn't diagnosed with AS until I was 15 or 16, I was suspected of having it since I was 8. Most teachers stood up for me. But there was one instance in 3rd grade where a teacher/staff member was passing through my gym class and stopped when she saw me not doing much in class. When the students were running, she would grab my hand and run me across the gym. I had trouble running fast so I was afraid of falling over. She basically dominated me and tried to work me like a dog. Then, at one point, the gym teacher came up to me and told me I could sit down for a while. Shortly afterwards, that ***** came back from wherever and told me "did I TELL YOU you could sit down? no, get back up!"

And this wasn't the gym teacher nor an assistant. This was just some teacher or secretary passing by that had NO BUSINESS intervening like that. A few days or a week later, the gym teacher assured me I wouldn't have to worry about her again. And then I heard from a teaching assistant that the ***** was transferred to another school.


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22 Jul 2008, 7:23 pm

SpiceWolf wrote:
When I was a kid they thought my work was done by someone else, because they thought it was too good to be from anyone but an adult.

Yes, I remember that. That happened to me a few times too.
I also used to get into trouble for not showing my working sometimes(even though I got the answer right).


I used to make a lot of stuff up - or assume the bleeding obvious. I was constantly harassed for my sources. The happened a lot in religion, particularly in one year where the teacher decided to make us summarise various books of the bible. I decided to not only summarise, but also to interpret. I got great marks for exodus - since it's a good story which needs little interpretation, though I did include various extra bits like Moses meeting his mother at the slave enclave. I got asked for my sources, but they should have been fairly obvious. In fact, I deliberately called Moses, Charlton in one paragraph - just for fun. :D

It was my interpretation of Revelations using the Omen that really got me into trouble.


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22 Jul 2008, 7:41 pm

I had several teachers that didnt like me but my worst one was my 3rd grade teacher. She was downright terrifying. There was a boy in our class that she also picked on and she would paddle him in front of all of us. She would grab my face and try to force me to look her in the eye....Id stare at her 1960's pointy glasses instead. I never did anything wrong so I managed to escape the huge paddle but she still would yell in my face or send me to the corner for not knowing answers or not answering quickly enough...or some other stupid reason she came up with.
A few years later I heard on the news that she was arrested in some third world country for stealing babies and smuggling them to the US. JUSTICE :twisted:


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22 Jul 2008, 8:02 pm

I've had the opposite problem: being invisible.
Even my graduate school adviser didn't know who I was after an entire year.


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23 Jul 2008, 4:42 am

liloleme wrote:
A few years later I heard on the news that she was arrested in some third world country for stealing babies and smuggling them to the US. JUSTICE :twisted:

Some years ago I read on the net about a teacher from some third world country who was arrested for her unusual method of punishment applied by her to boys who didn't behave as they should in the classroom - they had to suck her breasts for this 8O :twisted: They told adults about this and she was arrested - either she must have been young and beautiful differently or there was a mistake in the article because "she" was in fact "he" and it's not breasts the thing was about :twisted: :lol:


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23 Jul 2008, 4:55 am

School is usually the worst thing people ever experience. Kids can be really evil. Its especially bad for aspies when everything in school seems the opposite of what you'd like. Noise, lots of people, competition, bullying etc. Life is good after that crap if you can stay in one piece.


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23 Jul 2008, 5:29 am

My school teacher on history stole my research work written for the competition. Her son was my classmate. I didn't like him at all, and she persecuted me even fot the smallest mistake. Her son won the competition with MY work...what else can I say? :(


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25 Jul 2008, 3:44 pm

EEk.... 8O

she also would tie hyperactive kids to tables.

Where do they come up with this stuff????

I never got tied to the table, but I did have to sit with my chair pushed in all the way without moving while the other kids played...frequently...and I didn't know what I was doing wrong, or why I was constatnly isolated...seeing as I barely remember interracting with the other kids...it was always...the um.....gruff angry teacher yanking me around....it almost seemed like she did it for fun and got all her aggressions out on me :roll: I would also be made to stay inside the tiny play house sometimes.


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25 Jul 2008, 4:30 pm

More times than I care to count.

Most of my elementary school teachers disliked me in one way or another. One of them hauled me up in front of the class and humiliated me for taking the cheese off my pizza because cheese makes me sick, saying that I was being "wasteful," and called my friend and I's drawings "stupid scribbles."

Another teacher made snide comments about my facial condition, and went so far as to exclude me, and only me, from the class reading of a play because my facial structure supposedly didn't allow for me to speak clearly (which is not true).

Even in college I've had a couple bad teachers. One of them said I "wasn't cut out for a class" because according to her I wasn't turning in my assignments on time... the fact was, I did, she just marked me as late because she made me rewrite them because my handwriting wasn't good enough. This was the same lady who, at a school function, gave me two days to learn five songs on the piano, and then told me to transpose them to another key right as I was about to start playing.

Several teachers had it in for me because rather than paying avid attention to them going over tests from a week ago, I would do homework for the next week, or I would doodle... and yet still managed to answer more questions than everyone else. Most of them also were not too understanding about difficulties with my peers. They frequently saw me get bullied, and would only step in and do something when I defended myself, and almost always took the side of whoever was picking on me. Things only started to get better when these teachers finally got it through their thick skulls that even though I wasn't good at group projects, even though I tended to multitask in class and seemed inattentive at the outset, even though I was not afraid to question them on a point, be it a fact or a rule, I was damn smart, and probably going to go a lot farther than my complacent, cooperative, more sociable peers.