lightening020 wrote:
I feel like Iv been where for a while not really made any friends. Im not trying to make friends. I dont really know how to make friends other than if it comes naturally which almost always inst the case. Theres some certain flow of how when you first post and then someone comments and that catches your attention aside from the regular standard replies("welcome, Hi," which is still fine btw) So you comment back on that and then the threads way differentering. ANd then you know the person?
I too so far haven't made friends, but I'd put it more specifically: So far, I haven't felt connected with anyone. I haven't posted something and got a response where I think, yeah, that person understands. Basically, while I've gotten responses to some of my posts, I don't feel like I know anyone, or they know me.
But, that's okay. I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to be understood. I'm here to come to understand more about austistic (including aspie) traits. Both for understanding myself, and understanding others I know.