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06 Aug 2008, 9:48 am

That's unfortunate.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:48 am

These arguments are really stupid. What I see is a lot of black and white all or nothing thinking. Either we are all part of an uber-logical “master race” or we are all inferior whiners who just need to “suck it up”. Of course the latter attitude you’re going to see more often on other sites while the former is common here. It’s all dumb and ignorant in my mind.


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06 Aug 2008, 9:50 am

Somewhere between "uber master-race" and "inferior whiners" lies the truth. :wink:


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06 Aug 2008, 9:52 am

Maybe aspies are both. Wouldn't it suck to be ruled by a master race of inferior whiners?


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06 Aug 2008, 9:53 am

By the way, that was a joke ^^^^


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06 Aug 2008, 9:59 am

Part of getting off the couch and out in the world involves having a little pride in the first place even if it is misplaced pride.

I agree that there is much NT bashing here and since it is a site where people make comments it is easy to elevate ones self with a quick post. I think many of the comments you listed are people bouncing ideas around in their head and then testing them on this site. This site has a mix of young to old people so the views and the methods used to express those views differ greatly.

I could get into more here but the way I look at it is that, yes, NTs are not above Aspies or below Aspies. We complement each other. We all complement each other in one way or another. If everyone ate the same way, ate the same food, walked the same way...did everything the same way then how did/does mankind evolve?

Some words from a "non-practicing atheist".


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06 Aug 2008, 10:04 am

DeanFoley wrote:
I'm just so sick and tired of the amount of arrogance, stupidity and plain ignorance about AS and Autism as a whole by too many members here. NT's are being described as these...intolerant, hateful, demonic, semi-intelligent beings and Aspies here seem to think this is some...higher power.

You're confusing a lot of different ideas on here, some of which are truly bad (autistic supremacy, basically) and some of which are legitimate, and calling them all 'militant' because they're non-standard views, as far as I can tell.

I've seen it in so many forms. Here are a few examples...

-Asperger Syndrome is a power given from God.

Not a power, but I happen to think that God makes some people autistic and some people not and that's not a problem. Neither one is inferior.

While I don't believe every word of the bible is literally true (and it'd be hard to do so without inviting paradox, given that parts of the bible say not to take the entire darn thing literally and people do anyway), I do believe in general that autistic people (and other disabled people) are made this way by God, as well as non-disabled people. And I think human beings decide on some level to value some of us over others, and this is always a bad idea (whether it's autistic people saying they're better than non-autistic people, or the reverse).

-Asperger Syndrome gives you logical thinking and rationality.

That one's false. Autistic people in general think differently, which has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. But we don't think more logically.

-Most Neurotypical's view us as inferior, sub-human beings.

That has a grain of truth to it, which is that a lot of non-autistic people really do state that we're not fully human. All the time. I doubt most people think of us at all, but cognitively disabled people in general tend to be one of the more dehumanized aspects of humanity. Among many many other kinds of people. This isn't inherent in being non-autistic that everyone would think this, but it's just that it's a common view that personhood comes from specific traits, and some people are "more equal than others" as the saying goes.

-Neurotypical's are going to attempt genocide on us.

That also has a grain of truth to it.

Eugenics is a real philosophy that was never truly done away with, it was simply made more palatable for some people. The USA and many European countries pioneered it, and many of the philosophies still exist -- such that it is wrong for people with "bad genes" to pass them on, many people don't have too much problem with the idea of mass forced sterilization of people with cognitive disabilities (apologies have come late, and reluctantly), and it's already shown in people with Down's syndrome that people are pressured to abort them rather than have them (and often scorned by doctors and laypeople alike, accused of selfishness even for having them). The man who discovered DNA himself has said that it's a top priority to find a prenatal test for autism, presumably for similar reasons.

Given that even people who have conditions as mild as webbing of the hands have been accused publicly of selfishness for passing on their genes, it's not surprising that people think that it won't be looked fondly upon for people to deliberately have autistic children if it becomes possible to avoid it. Additionally, when autistic people (or any disabled people really) are killed, there's often a lighter sentence for the killers and a presumption that we are better off dead than alive.

This is about disabled people in general though. None of it is specific to autistic people. All of it is well-known in disability studies and among disability scholars. One such scholar has called it "eugenocide" in a combination of "eugenics" and "genocide". And there is solid research that this is accurate, except that most people like to think of it as the elimination of disability rather than the elimination of disabled people. The problem is it's often the same thing, and even as I said, people who kill us are given more leniency in just about every country it happens in.

These are not anything close to the final stages of genocide, and we may never get there, but we're already well into the internationally recognized first steps of it, whether most people who don't actually study that field know what the term is meant to refer to, or not. But it is not specific to autistic people and it would be better if autistic people learned to recognize that we're part of a wider disability community who all have many of the same concerns.

-Aspies are ''closer to God''.

That part is complete and utter BS, just as much as the opposite is. (And, in my religion anyway, one of the few things that approach heresy is to consider some people closer to God than others.)

-Aspies are some ''other'', more evolved race.

More BS, just as much as the opposite.

-Aspies will save the world somehow, against the ''New World Order'' or something else. ''Vanguards of cretion''.

That's just weird.

-Neurotypical's are evil, at least that's the vibe I'm getting from people on here...

Not true, although many inadvertently do evil things, but that's different, and so do many autistic people.

-A cure will be mandatory.

Based on how even treatments in psychiatry work, yes, that's not a bad guess, at least for those of us who are in the psych or developmental services systems, and vulnerable to being declared burdens if we don't take one. That's again like the eugenics thing based solidly in what already happens.

Autism is not a ''strength''. It is not giving you rational thought, it is not making you intelligent. I've seen a great, GREAT deal of people here say or imply that Aspies are more logical, more rational(including Alex himself, found here-

There is science saying that it contributes specific and replicable strengths cognitively. But logic is not one of those strengths, they are far more subtle and have to do with perceptual skills. (They are also not anything like the crud Simon Baron-Cohen comes up with about empathizing vs. systematizing.)

Apparently, Aspies are also more open-minded, friendly, kind, helpful...give me a break.

Also inaccurate, but keep in mind this isn't specific to autistic people, sociologically there's a lot of oppressed groups that believe things like this about themselves. It's a fallacy but it comes from experiences specific to being a generally-devalued group of people.

Let's assume, for a moment, that God is real. That the Bible is the truth, all this holy yada yada exists. HOW IS AUTISM HOLY IN THE SLIGHTEST? WHAT GIVES PEOPLE THE TINIEST HINT THAT IT IS CONNECTED TO GOD?

Well... in the bible, God did say to Moses that he makes people deaf and blind, and gave Moses his speech troubles, so why not other disabled people too? My view is that God did create people (and lots of other things) in God's image, and that includes a huge amount of diversity, including non-disabled people and disabled people alike.

And if a cure is developed, no one is going to drive a white van up to your home, bash the door down and drag you off in the nght, strap you to a chair and administer it.

Even for people whose homes are in institutions?

And stop all this feverent ''NO CURE'' rubbish! Fine, you don't want one...well what about the people who DO? If a cure is developed, everyone can be happy. Those who want it can have it, those who don't...well, don't HAVE to take it. What about OTHER forms of Autism, hmm? Because they suffer...greatly.

Ever realize that I have another form of autism? And I'm sick of the elitist bullcrap that says that "aspies" are better than me, happier than me, that it's fine to prefer being an "aspie" but horrible and perverse to prefer being like me (and that I'm either not capable of this preference, or just incredibly weird for having it).

Are you aware that the whole idea of not wanting a cure was started by autistic people who did not in any form have a diagnosis of Asperger's, some of whom had been considered low-functioning at one point, or continuously? I am not one of them, but I know many of them, and they are definitely often in the "forms of autism" that most people consider need a cure. Asperger's didn't even exist as a diagnosis when they started these beliefs, if that gives you any idea how old these things are.

As another autistic person I know put it, you can't divide autistic people into HF, LF, and aspie based on their political views. (Political as in disability politics, not political as in democrat/republican/etc, although it applies there too.) How we view being autistic is not contingent on what kind of autistic person we are, and often the "kinds" are more superficial than anything else.

But neither are the Neurotypical's. We are not above them, or below them. I feel no shame, but I also feel no pride. This is not something to be worn with a badge of honour, it's just...there.

You're using a definition of pride that has nothing to do with the version most people use. It's a word with at least four meanings, and acting as if people using one meaning mean another, isn't helpful and distorts what they mean by it.

You are not uber logical because of it, and NT's aren't evil and plotting genocide.

Neither evil nor genocide require most people to be "plotting" them for them to happen. I don't think NTs are particularly evil more than other people, but I think that people who have more power in general in a society can do evil things to people with less without even intending to, unless they're way more careful than the average person is.

As a white person for instance I benefit from systems of oppression I can't even see, and if I can't see them I obviously can't tell whether I'm stepping all over the rights of other people in the course of my daily life or not, and must in fact be doing so some of the time. It's an ugly truth but it's there, and it doesn't make white people individually evil any more than it makes non-disabled people individually evil. We just happen to profit from something quite evil and destructive either in the past or present. And if people look at that without realizing the intent doesn't have to be there, they'll unfortunately declare the dominant group evil instead of looking at the sociological dynamics of the situation -- it's a fallacy but the grain of truth is that it's based on real observations of a sort, just interpreted wrongly.

"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams


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06 Aug 2008, 10:04 am

What is a "non-practising atheist?" :scratch:


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06 Aug 2008, 10:22 am

As usual I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle:

I have a NT girlfriend and my nearly all my friends are NT's so of course I do not hate NT's but I have been treated appalling by NT's my whole life, everybody is different and deserves to be taken on an individual basis.
I will say I’ve met far fewer genuinely good NT’s sadly most have been pretty bad.
Of course some of us are more “different” than others but no human being should look on others as inferior or superior, nobody has the right to determine someone else’s worth.

I’m not very surprised why some people on the spectrum don’t have many nice things to say about a lot of the NT’s they’ve met if my experience is anything to go by.
If you’ve been miss treated for most of your life (and I would guess the majority of AS people have been) then it isn’t very surprising that some might aquire a few shall we say “interesting” ideas about being closer to god ect.

Your outlook on the world is determined by what you’ve experienced and some probably do have a warped view of the world but is that really all their fault? If you’ve been surrounded by the intolerance cruelty and misunderstanding for so long I would think it weird if everyone on the spectrum had nothing but a well rounded unbiased view of people especially NT’s.

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06 Aug 2008, 10:57 am

I was just thinking about this a bit more. While I agree that the some of the attitudes here are a bit skewed I don’t really see the need to take offense to it. Like intense said I see the reasons why such attitudes occur. Also the number of NT’s who get their feelings hurt by coming to this site and seeing all the negativity is negligibly small compared to what a lot of us have to put up with on a daily basis living in a society that is, as a whole, very intolerant of differences. I guess I just have more sympathy for the underdogs of society than the majority. People who feel the need to harp like the OP did come across as being motivated by self-righteousness to me. I don't see how he can really be as offended as he pretends to be.


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06 Aug 2008, 11:03 am

Ishmael wrote:
Emotions are fallible. Neurotypicals function emotionally. They are therefore inferior.
I function logically. I can survive.

If I need to kill a man to survive; I will weigh that and act accordingly.
If a "normal person" needs to kill a man to survive; he will weigh his emotions. If the man he needed to kill was me - he'd be dead.

What purpose do emotions have if you do not feel them? Illogical to think that this makes us equals...
Foolishness - and what of this "god" issue? A true logical thinker would never raise such a proposition.

Why list two opposing elements as being the same thing? Most peculiar...

Wow, this type of thinking is so foreign to me. Being an Aspie is just another way of being a human being. So why do you have this weird sort of superiority complex going on?

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." ~ Hans Asperger

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06 Aug 2008, 11:03 am

I think a lot of this stems from the majority of people being NT and the majority of people we come across are also really stupid. Yes there are intelligent NTs. But the majority of them are stupid. Spend their life working 9-5 then drinking on the weekends with their friends talking about what they see on tv.

Since Aspies tend to spend less time socializing and more time by themselves, they do more thinking and things you do by yourself like reading or working on a project. When you are not around people you don't use your emotions as much and reason with your self (which develops logical thinking) instead of asking the opinion of others and going with the majority. You also learn more things from reading and researching for the project you are working on.

The smartest people I know are also the most antisocial people I know.

All that God stuff is just rediculous, I've never seen any of that personally.


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06 Aug 2008, 11:06 am

I, too, find false superiority to be incredibly off-putting. And it's also one of the things that is causing the United States to become so divided these days. Why not just realize that everyone on this earth is a human being, and learn to accept other human beings for who they are, flaws and all, just like they accept you, flaws and all? Seriously, why is there any sort of need for superiority complexes in this day and age?

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." ~ Hans Asperger


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06 Aug 2008, 11:07 am

Draws wrote:
I think a lot of this stems from the majority of people being NT and the majority of people we come across are also really stupid. Yes there are intelligent NTs. But the majority of them are stupid. Spend their life working 9-5 then drinking on the weekends with their friends talking about what they see on tv.

Since Aspies tend to spend less time socializing and more time by themselves, they do more thinking and things you do by yourself like reading or working on a project. When you are not around people you don't use your emotions as much and reason with your self (which develops logical thinking) instead of asking the opinion of others and going with the majority. You also learn more things from reading and researching for the project you are working on.

The smartest people I know are also the most antisocial people I know.

All that God stuff is just rediculous, I've never seen any of that personally.

There are anti-social neurotypicals out there, you know. What about them?

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." ~ Hans Asperger


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06 Aug 2008, 11:08 am

corroonb wrote:
I hate everyone equally regardless of race, neurology, nationality, ethnicity, class, occupation, IQ and so on.

In truth, most people are irrelevant to me so I don't have any feelings about the vast majority of humans in existence. I do think the human species is one of the worst things to happen to this planet since the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event.

Why hate anyone? What have the vast majority of human beings on this planet ever done to you to deserve such hatred?

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06 Aug 2008, 11:09 am

marshall wrote:
I was just thinking about this a bit more. While I agree that the some of the attitudes here are a bit skewed I don’t really see the need to take offense to it. Like intense said I see the reasons why such attitudes occur. Also the number of NT’s who get their feelings hurt by coming to this site and seeing all the negativity is negligibly small compared to what a lot of us have to put up with on a daily basis living in a society that is, as a whole, very intolerant of differences. I guess I just have more sympathy for the underdogs of society than the majority. People who feel the need to harp like the OP did come across as being motivated by self-righteousness to me. I don't see how he can really be as offended as he pretends to be.

Just because some NTs hurt your feelings is no reason to hurt their feelings. Two wrongs don't make a right, you know?

"It seems that for success in science and art, a dash of autism is essential." ~ Hans Asperger