Well, I have less trouble than most in these things.
Sheets are something EVERYONE has some trouble with.
You have to get a good hold, align it, and lift it all at once and let the air pressure pull it over the bed. At WORST, it should be CLOSE! THEN, you go around the bed and pull it even. You tuck the excess under the matress. You can tuck your hand under the corners to make a fold of approx 45 degrees to make things basically fall even so the corners look neat.
Cursive script just takes practice. For about 20 years, my cursive was TEXTBOOK! LITERALLY!
For men, getting dressed, SUPPOSEDLY the hardest things are fasteners. I NEVER had trouble with buttons, but it IS about 5 times as easy with 2 hands. Supposedly though, males have more trouble with them than women. ALSO, there are a LOT of jokes about males getting hurt with flys.(the zipper in the front/center) I don't know HOW that can happen. I always know where I am, so to speak.
As for being "ret*d"? I can understand ENOUGH of the difficulty to say that I wouldn't act QUITE that bad. Of course, they might have said that to tell you they were better than you were implying, and they were defending THEMSELVES, rather than insulting you. It IS a fine line, but it is there!
Just today, I asked this IDIOT at "best buy" what memory size SDC cards a specific camera took! She proceeded to in very ******GENERAL****** terms "describe" "every" characteristic, *****BUT***** the one I asked for. I snapped at her "I KNOW what the cards are, but I want to know the maximum memory size it supports.". I was basically saying I wasn't stupid, and simply wanted my question answered.
She said "It supports 4GB, most support 8GB, but this one is older, so I GUESS it supports 4GB!"! I Just HAD to laugh! GUESS?!?!?!? I could have made such a guess a DECADE ago!