The_Cucumber wrote:
.... I'm the only person who even tried to stop anyone. True I only managed to mutter "that's enough", but I did not join in.
chrmitchell wrote:
As long as nobody's getting seriously hurt...
That would be an "SEP," or "Someone Else's Problem."
In "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," an "SEP" is was cloaking device. You can land your flying saucer in the middle of the SuperBowl and no one will see it.
Anubis wrote:
...if someone's doing something I think is bad, I'll either confront them or go away.
Can you say, "witchhunt?" I see it all the time now.
Being a victim is not very educational, because you don't get to hear all the background chatter and watch it build. As the victim, I don't catch on until after it starts to snowball.
Being an innocent bystander is very educational. It happens daily with unsupervised children and ignorant adults.
But even among mature, educated adults who normally have good intentions, it still happens once in a while. It's very frustrating and baffling. Their talk and behavior just disintegrate and they make no sense at all. Pointing out the logic flaws in their excuses doesn't help.
Person A will spew pure nonsense that is known by many in the group to be absolutely false, but no one will acknowledge it.
Person B, who knows first-hand that A's statements are simply incorrect, will just sit there and nod and smile.
Even when I don't personally like the victim, I can see it, as plain as day. But there's nothing I can do.
Something is wrong and is bothering the group, but they can't figure out what it is, so they look for someone to blame. When it happens one-on-one, it's called "scape goating." When they do it as a group, it gets completely out of control.
It's part of that whole bonding thing. As far as I can tell, it's not exactly required, but participating in a witch hunt definitely earns you huge membership points. Everyone gets the warm fuzzies except the victim.
In a mature group, if I stand up for the victim, they just shrug me off. (It doesn't help the victim, but it doesn't hurt me.) If there are any personal consequences, I can't see them. That could be just because I'm so clueless. I wonder if it earns me negative points, to be used against me later.
In an immature group, if you stand up for the victim, you're going down with him.
Occupy Everything!
Last edited by Tahitiii on 15 Aug 2008, 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.