donkey wrote:
i would prefer number 1 over number 2.
presumably in an AS forum your going to get this.
but i suspect in a non AS forum your going to get a similar response.
Do you know of any suitable NT forum where I might test this? I would expect most non-autistics to find nightmare #1 the more horrible of the two. Otherwise, why does the reality of most human lives resemble #2 more than #1? My non-autistic wife does indeed find #1 more horrible and says that #2 isn't all that different from the reality she is accustomed to. But of course she's not statistically representative for all non-autistics.
slowmutant wrote:
Both nightmares are forms of Hell. You might enjoy either one for a while, but sooner or later the novelty wears off. Hell is repetition. Hell is monotony. Hell is isolation.
I would expect neither nightmare to be actually enjoyable for anybody. Indeed if it were [i]temporary[/], #1 might be enjoyable for us as an escape, to get some peace. But the idea here is that either situation would last until we die. I can't imagine #2 to be enjoyable for even a minute, though I guess someone with extreme feelings of loneliness might find #2 to have redeeming qualities.
There is nothing that is uniquely and invariably human.