do you think that all aspies are depressed? not happy?
I didnt understand who i was until i found out about AS.
i had a very hard childhood. I was so misunderstood.
I ran away from france, tried to ran away from my past.
I am now confortable with who i am, because i know why i am the way i am. And i love being different, thinking differently than others...
We dont need a cure, we need more understanding people, more tolerance.
If people were more tolerant, i wouldn t have had all the problem i had before.
People bullied me because i didnt wash often, didnt wear the right clothes, loved math, talked about thing that nobody cares, listen to music that nobody listen to, read books that nobody found intersting because too boring.. .etc... I was different, and people couldnt accept it! so, i got beaten, insulted, raped... BUT I DONT CARE! i am who i am!
i dont want to listen to their boring music which means nothing to me, and gives me headache!! !
I dont want to dress like them, because their fabric is itchy and not pratical!
I dont want to read their books!! !
I dont want to wash if i dont want to!! (now i do wash! LOL)
All i am saying is, why do we need a cure???? So we can be like everyone else???
i dont want to be like them!! they are SAD PEOPLE!! ! we are happy, because we live in our own world!! i dont care what people think of me, i am what i am , i am who i am... I had a hard time, but i wouldn't change anything. because it makes me what i am today.