groovemeister wrote:
In answer to first post, some aspies are known for forming strange accents.
I found this out as my daughter was diagnosed, I was looking at material in regards to Aspergers again (as I'm AS), and I came across this little titbit; that sometimes strange accents just come from nowhere.
We always wondered what it was all about, and when we moved up country to the North (of England), her accent went really strange, not like ours and not like everyone else's up North.
Just Google it.
Yes, I seen this somewhere as well. I read that Aspies often are found to adopt the phonics of those around them. So if you are in a liguisticly diverse place I could see this causing a mixture of accents to mesh togather creating a unique tone or accent. This theory may explain why some of us have an odd accent and the rest dont.
Then again those of us from large cities, where many people from around the world would be gathered, should then be more likely to have an accent, while those of us, like me, from a small town thats not so ethinically diverse should be less likely. Albeit I moved a lot as a child so maybe Im not the best example.
Point is, to me, this theory doesnt seem to pan out based on where the respondants in this thread are from, and who admits to having a "unique" accent. Just my thoughts on it, though.