i don't really remember how good or bad my eye contact was when i was a kid. i guess it never raised any questions, and nobody ever mentioned it, so it must not have been too bad. now, i can make eye-contact for the most part, but i can't very well if it's someone i feel to be in an athoritative posiotion (which can mean anything from a law inforcer to a fast food worker). i will often make eye contact and smile at NTs in passing, but the eye contact is very breif. if someone talks to me, and i don't know them, my eye contact is usually minimal. i do make eye contact, but only briefly.. and i spend most of my time looking around... if it's someone i know, though.. i make an effort to do it better, but sometimes feel like i'm looking for too long and look away, because it doesn't feel natural. it's awkward and i sometimes don't actually look at their eyes, but their nose or let my eyes go out of focus and just sort of look past them. it's harder for me to pay attention to what people are saying if i have to keep eye contact, but people feel like i'm not paying attention if i don't make eye contact.... it's such a pain. but when i do make true eye contact, i'm usually too busy analizing their eye color to pay attention to anything they might be saying.
my sister gets mad at me for that... when she's talking to me and i'm staring at her eyes and then randomly tell her something like "a moment ago, your eyes were green with brown at the top, and now they've changed to blue with grean around the pupil..." and then realize i haven't heard a thing she said the whole time.
(on a side note, my sister's eyes are facinating!!)