it's true about being accepted with all my differences for being foreigner.
once i've read a book about empathy, and the author stated that every young person should have spent some time abroad, because it makes us more empathic. i thought it was a great idea so when a professor came to the class and asked us who wanted to do doctoral studies in portugal, my hand was automatically up. the others asked about the money, but i didn't care. so i had spent over 5 years in portugal. the last years were, however, quite boring and i felt the need to move on to another country. so once my thesis was completed i was happy to go to france.
i like routine, but i don't mind to create a new one once i change my life completely by moving to another country every few years. it takes only few weeks to settle in new routine. now, i am already looking for second postdoc and sending the applications all around the world. my wish is singapore. i would like to go somewhere out of europe for a while and i want to prove that usa is not the only option in science.
i see myself living like this for another 5-10 years, then i go back to my native country and by the time, i will be a foreigner there too.
although, i am not more empathic than before, maybe even less
Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.