no form of autism causes high intelligence,that part is only an add on for some-even aspergers has a range from people on the border of borderline mental retardation,up to those with very gifted iq.
intelligence means very little,what matters most is having a supportive understanding family or other forms of support/advocates,and enough support,adaptions,aides etc as needed-to get maximum quality of life.
am used to live with very profoundly autistic adults [severe MR] who have great lives because of the support and understanding they get,it doesn't matter how intelligent self is to make life good.
living with people that say nasty things about self every day [whether its things like,are a burden,useless,or failiure....] will make anyone not good from hearing it over and over.
if family do not want to understand self,and own ASD,it would help a lot to live away from them,whether in own place or if unable to live on own/need support-some sort of supported living [eg,sheltered,group,residential],this will get self away from their nasty words and treatment,dont believe what own family say as the truth,if they are new to ASDs and aren't reading books about it or using places like wrong planet,they're going to be ignorant,so it might help getting them lots of stuff about the ASD that have got.
also,failiure isnt true,no one is a failiure because whilst alive there is always chance to try again.
parents need to stop having stupid expectations of their autistic children,whether its expecting very little or too much of them.
Am have always found WP helpful.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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