DentArthurDent wrote:
Ishmael wrote:
The NT bashing is largely because of past experiences.
If by past experiances do you mean bullying, exclusion ect? We are the ones with the social dysfunction not the 'NT's' remember that NT means neuro typical not as*hole. We are the ones that do not get social cues. Do you expect everyone who does not have ASD to learn all about it and spot our disability and make amends for it
I do not expect everyone in the world learn sign-language, but I also expect those who do not, refrain from unlawful conduct, such as physically assaulting people, whether or not those people can only communicate in sign-language.
The fact is, it is never excusable to bully others employing violence, intimidation, threats, harassment, or other unlawful means. It's also not nice to pick on people, and picked on people are both likely to be upset about it, and make statements reflecting the 'not-niceness' of antics they have been victimised by.
In terms of unlawful acts, they're unlawful; enough said. In terms of not-nice acts (that are lawful), people are probably likely to respond with their own not-niceness (such as moaning about it). This is all very normal human behavior; if you wish to fit in with NTs, there's no reason to give up whining when you feel negative about something or someone since this is a behavior in common, like breathing and eating.
Ishmael wrote:
Wishing to be NT is one thing, yeah, but why suggest those who don't wish to be NT as wrong?
I did'nt
I just dont get why 'we' blame NT's for their reaction to our really annoying and often inapropriate pattern of social behaviour,
They can be blamed as anyone else can for their own conduct. Do we excuse child-abuse if the child was misbehaviing? Do we excuse burglary if the property owner failed to secure their property? Whether or not people with ASDs act in a way that annoys others, people are responsible for how they respond. Moaning about something is a common and culturally accepted response to 'adversity'. Assaulting or harassing someone is not.
If someone responds to annoyance in an unacceptable manner, moaning about it is entirely normal, human and more NTish than not. If someone responds in an acceptable but upsetting way to annoyance, moaning about it is entirely normal, human and more NTish than not.
If you wish to fit in with NTs, there is no need to give up whining when you feel negative about something or someone, since this is a behavior in common like breathing and eating.
that is why we get bullied, Thinking that it is all the 'NT's' fault is typical AS behaviour,
And typical NT behavior also. Thinking it is all the fault of someone or something else, and moaning about that is entirely normal human behavior.
If you wish to fit in with NTs, there is no need to give up whining when you feel negative about something or someone, since this is a behavior in common like breathing and eating.
I for one want to try and change my behaviour. If you want to revel in being different go for it, but don't winge when people get annoyed by you
Whatever people could do or avoid doing to avoid negative responses from others, some responses are unacceptable, and further there is nothing particular to people with ASDs when it comes to whining, winging and/or moaning about adversity.
If you wish to fit in with NTs, there is no need to give up whining when you feel negative about something or someone, since this is a behavior in common like breathing and eating.
You are welcome to change your behavior. I see nothing wrong with trying to improve the quality of experience you have when interacting with others. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors.