Ishmael wrote:
Prisonersix, your experiences sum up the norm marvellously.
Nice to know I'm not alone. I like your avatar as well, I'm a long time Dr. Who fan. When I was in college, Dr. Who was showing every Saturday night on a local TV channel. I wanted to watch it, but my sister had taken to going to college football games and the result was she and our parents would gang up on me and pressure me to go with her. Some times her friends would have parties and the same thing would happen, in fact, her friends never even asked me if I wanted to go, they ask my sister and she'd accept for me. It was very hard for me to deal with, especially since my parents promised me my sister would be gone away to graduate school and I wouldn't have deal with her anymore, but she decided not to go and stayed home for 2 more years.
She did finally leave home, and I was pretty much free to do what I wanted again since she wasn't there. In other words, Dr. Who every Saturday night without fear of what she wanted to do. Of course she came back and everything reverted to the way it was, then she left again and it was fine. I never understood why my preferences were OK when she was gone, but wrong when she was there. More NT weirdness I guess.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"