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19 Sep 2008, 9:51 am

JWRed wrote:
People with AS will be bothered by babies more than NTs because we are more sensitive to things in our environment.

Especially to high-picthed, hi-frequency sound. >.<

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19 Sep 2008, 10:02 am

slowmutant wrote:
JWRed wrote:
People with AS will be bothered by babies more than NTs because we are more sensitive to things in our environment.

Especially to high-picthed, hi-frequency sound. >.<

*person with aspergers trying to read in a public location next to a crying baby* WAH WAH WAH WAH *perseon with aspergers trying to keep their cool* WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH *person with aspergers twitching around the eyelids* WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH "lady will you please make your baby STFU im trying to readhere!" hahahah sorry couldnt resist.


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19 Sep 2008, 10:08 am

Really it all depends on the individual baby. I'll hear a newborn crying when I'm out in public, & it's a cry of hunger. I'll see the mom just ignoring the infant & let it cry. THAT really annoys me to no end! When you have a kid, your needs take a backseat to the child's needs. If it needs feeding, please feed it & do it NOW!! ! I don't mind babies, though I much prefer kids who are old enough to interact. But then they get into their teenage years, & they tend to get really annoying!

I don't mind babies cooing or making other happy sounds. If it's crying for some other reason, it doesn't always bother me. But the "I need to be fed NOW cry"....that really gets to me.

I also HATE the sound of kids screaming. When I would take my kids somewhere to play, my rule was to leave when a kid started screaming. They knew that I had no tolerance for that! My ears & nerves just can't handle it. I've also noticed that young boys tend to scream more than young girls. Why is that?

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Aspie Score: 173/200, NT score 31/200: very likely an Aspie
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19 Sep 2008, 10:30 am

I don't like babies, they are so unreasonable and noisy , sometimes they act rudely.

I particular hate the crying sound they made, it almost drives me crazy! :x


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19 Sep 2008, 10:32 am

Sometimes. What annoys me more is when the mother of the crying baby, just sits there blabbering away to her friend, while her baby is probably blue in the face from screaming its lungs out.


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19 Sep 2008, 10:40 am

My mom always took me to meet her friends' babies because I interacted better with them than with older children. They are small and nonthreatening, they mostly don't fill the air with a bunch of incomprehensible words, they can often match musical pitches if you sing to them, and they are very cute. I don't like the crying either, but the ones I was around the most didn't cry that often. And they seem to often like me, too. One father I met randomly in a museum (I'd just started interacting with his baby daughter because she was on a bench with me, I totally forgot there was a father even there until he talked to me) once told me, "She likes you because you don't get in her face and make lots of noises at her." The baby had crawled over to me and was staring at me with great interest. So yeah I have always liked babies and still do although I don't see them much anymore.

Babies don't seem overall as noisy as slightly older children, especially when they learn to whine on purpose... ugh. And by that older age their lungs are bigger too, making for bigger noises.

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19 Sep 2008, 10:46 am

tomboy4good wrote:
I've also noticed that young boys tend to scream more than young girls. Why is that?

Reminds me of a judge I know who told me once that "one boy is a gang, two is a mob". I wonder if it isn't just the type of play, and that little boys are more about action, and less about feelings and experiences - little girls seem to do more in brain play/imagination games than little boys? However, after sitting an hour in our doctors waiting room, BOTH girls and boys can put a noise knife straight through my filters. When I started in my office, it was an adult patient practice, but this new doc we have has a pediatric subspecialty, so all of a sudden my quiet waiting room of seniors turned into a kiddie's playground, sigh.

I do have to wonder about some of these parents though (and I very much appreciate you thinking to take the children out if they screamed, it doesn't happen very often anymore, sigh) - I know there is a certain amount of selective deafness that goes on with these parents when it comes to their children, but it is a little painful when you realize that jr. out there is screaming ONLY because mommy keeps putting her back to him so she can chat on her cell phone, to relieve HER boredom, sigh. I appreciate it when parents take the kids outside when they start screaming; the ones I really dislike are the ones who haul the kid up to the front desk and let them scream there, like we are going to make the doctor see them faster, or perhaps they think we should "look after" jr.? :wall:

Babies are okay, as long as they don't scream - don't make me hold one either, or coo at them, it just doesn't appeal to me to do so.

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19 Sep 2008, 10:52 am

I enjoyed my son's babyhood. Then, when he got old enough to play with other kids and go to school and I had to interact with other kids' parents and his teachers . . . the honeymoon was over.


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19 Sep 2008, 11:49 am

wrongchild wrote:
I don't like babies, they are so unreasonable and noisy , sometimes they act rudely.

I particular hate the crying sound they made, it almost drives me crazy! :x

Adult babies annoy me, with their constant whining and complaining :roll:
WTF is it with some people, are you complete idiots, your complaining about babies
for doing what babies do, and wrongchild, were you dropped on your head as a baby,
because is shows with that moronic, "sometimes they act rudely" comment.

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19 Sep 2008, 12:04 pm

I was very glad when my kids passed the babyhood stage. Yes, crying does bother me which is why I did whatever it took to calm the kid down. That's what crying is for, to get their needs met. It does bother me when parents don't attend to their screaming babies' needs. What would be the big deal with picking the kid up out of that plastic carrier, or feeding her/him, or getting the poor thing out of whatever environment is driving her/him crazy? Babies have to cry, they don't have speech yet. And yeah, parents that let their kids run amuck in public places really drive me crazy.


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19 Sep 2008, 12:14 pm

It's not the crying I can't stand - I'm OK with that as long as it doesn't go on and on and on, and the parent actually does something about it. I tend to be annoyed on the kid's behalf if the parent doesn't. I am totally understanding of kids crying in supermarkets and shopping malls - it strikes me as a perfectly natural reaction to that kind of environment, for someone without our 'adult' inhibitions.

No, what I can't take about babies is the mess. I mean, the goopy food and the dribbling and vomiting and stuff. Any time I see someone feeding a baby pureéd food, it makes me want to puke. (For many years I couldn't bear any food with a texture that I found remotely similar to baby food. I'm less picky now, but I still have trouble with certain types of cereal, thick soups, stuff like that.) I can only really handle a baby when it's all cleaned up and I'm pretty sure it's not about to sick up on me or anything.

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19 Sep 2008, 12:50 pm

Crying/screaming babies make me get depressed (same goes for temper-tantrums). I've sometimes wondered if I'll ever have kids, but I can't even get a girlfriend, let along reproduce. There are some good things, such as having fun with them, watching them grow, and bringing a new person into the world. At the moment though, I wouldn't have the money for food, diapers/nappies, toys, doctor visits, etc., plus there's the responsibility of being a good parent


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19 Sep 2008, 1:17 pm

CelticRose wrote:
Crying babies really annoy me, especially if the crying goes on for some time. It makes me want to throttle the parents for not taking better care of their kid.

In general, I'm indifferent to babies.

It is often absolutely impossible to sooth a baby. Think of yourself having a meltdown. Well, babies have lots of them.

Doesn't mean you have to like the sound, but don't blame it on the parents. It's a difficult situation that demans a little patience and understanding from everyone, to the best of their abilities, at least.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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19 Sep 2008, 1:26 pm

tomboy4good wrote:
Really it all depends on the individual baby. I'll hear a newborn crying when I'm out in public, & it's a cry of hunger. I'll see the mom just ignoring the infant & let it cry. THAT really annoys me to no end! When you have a kid, your needs take a backseat to the child's needs. If it needs feeding, please feed it & do it NOW!! ! I don't mind babies, though I much prefer kids who are old enough to interact. But then they get into their teenage years, & they tend to get really annoying!

I don't mind babies cooing or making other happy sounds. If it's crying for some other reason, it doesn't always bother me. But the "I need to be fed NOW cry"....that really gets to me.

I also HATE the sound of kids screaming. When I would take my kids somewhere to play, my rule was to leave when a kid started screaming. They knew that I had no tolerance for that! My ears & nerves just can't handle it. I've also noticed that young boys tend to scream more than young girls. Why is that?

Not all cries are about being fed. Some are situational, some are the time of day, and some no one knows.

If I had stopped and tended to every cry of my son (and I honestly did try), I would never have been showered, I would never have been dressed, the groceries would never have been bought (thankfully Webvan came around in time for my second child), and none of my work deadline's would have been met (oh, yeah, this is the best part: since I was self-employed, I had bought into the myth that I could actually work with my baby beside me, so I had contacts and obligations and no child care. Then, when I tried to get childcare, my son screamed them all out the door).

If you are breastfeeding a baby, you can't always stop and feed right then and there. I actually got pretty good at contorting myself, but it doesn't always work.

Things have to get done and needs have to get met. It's not like the mom of a newborn has full time help to fetch her every burp rag, warm the bottle, prepare her meals, and find a way to shower her while she holds her baby.

Some babies are easy. Lucky moms. My AS son was most definitely NOT easy. Love him to death, wouldn't change a thing about him, but from the day he was born he took everything I thought I knew about babies, parenting, and life and threw it all out of the window with a resounding "crash."

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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19 Sep 2008, 1:39 pm

When I go out to eat and to the store, sometimes people will have their young children with them and it is soooo obvious they aren't feeling well and they should be at home. I feel so bad for them. I know what it's like to not feel well as a child and the last place I wanted to be was out shopping or anywhere while I felt bad.
Next time you hear a young child or baby crying unconsolably just remember, if nothing will stop them carrying on, or crying, ithey are probably sick and has no choice but to be uncomfortable because the parent is being selfish and uncaring and forcing them to be out when it's sooooo obvious they aren't feeling well. Parents, wait until you kid's feeling better to do your shopping and eating out, sheesh, or leave them with relatives, please!


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19 Sep 2008, 1:42 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
When I go out to eat and to the store, sometimes people will have their young children with them and it is soooo obvious they aren't feeling well and they should be at home. I feel so bad for them. I know what it's like to not feel well as a child because I caught colds a lot and the last place I wanted to be was out shopping or anywhere while I felt bad.
Next time you hear a young child or baby crying unconsolably just remember, if nothing will stop it's carrying on, fussing or crying, it is probably sick and has no choice but to be uncomfortable because the parent is being selfish and uncaring and forcing the baby to be out when it's sooooo obvious it's not feeling well. Parents, wait until you kid's feeling better to do your shopping and eating out, sheesh, or leave them with relatives, please!

As much as I agree with you, it isn't always possible.

Plus my nearest relative lives an hour away. Not an option.

Did you read my post about life with my son when he was a baby? I had no idea, NO IDEA, it could be like that. And, yet ... it was.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).