FireFox wrote:
I enjoy driving. It's the highway that seems scary to me. I don't drive on the highway.
Highways are actually much nicer for me--- all the traffic is going in the same direction, there aren't any dangerous intersections, less drunks to worry about ( no bars on the interstate), and you can actually MOVE without all the stop-go-stop-go.
Highways also remind me of roadtrips, which are good since those mean vacations.
I love driving. It's the other drivers that I often despise. I don't like it how people simply cut me off in traffic because I drive a small car and can't damage them. I don't like how people drive and tailgate me even though I am already going 5mph over the posted limit. I don't like how other people go 10mph under but won't let me pass by changing lanes each time I try to do so. I don't like how some motorcyclists go 95mph in a 55mph zone and how the cops don't even try to enforce the law because they know they'll never catch them ( which means they get away with it) but how cars get pulled over for 65 in that same area.
Things would be much more pleasurable without the other drivers.
But driving itself? I love it.