It's really quite strange for me. I've lately had the feeling of "awareness". You know, you go from being born, get some memories, and before you know it, you're in the third grade! It's a lot like that, but it's almost as if an entire world has appeared that wasn't there, even though it was.
I've gotten only a little better with empathy. As a kid, I would say some pretty hurtful things to my mother and other people (only what I've been told - I honestly don't remember being so mean!). I can consider other peoples feelings, but that doesn't mean I actually care for them (I'm reflecting on that still), although sometimes I forget. I'm still not close with anyone I know. I'm only really close with my dog, who is turning 9 this December.
Socially, it's gotten a little easier. I'm actually able to go buy things from stores (only within the last couple of years). I know that, as long as I don't have to converse with people, I should be able to handle it. This however continues to be severe enough to hinder my ability to get a job. It completely frightens me to deal with people, so many thoughts about an occurrence I might have rush through all at once and hinder my ability to rationalize it! ~_~
Light doesn't give me head aches nearly as much as it used to (this was really bad as a kid). Loud sounds still alarm and panic me. ~_~ I guess I'm sensitive to pain (my friends are surprised as to what I go 'ouch' to).
I still drone on about things. Some people tell me often that they don't listen anyways. Even so, I forget this and do it to those people again a few days later anyways.
I'm kind of able to cope with differences in configuration of my computer. Configuration includes: monitor position, sound settings, color settings, position/size of windows.. You know, anything that I can change on a computer! It drives me INSANE if anything gets changed and I can't get it back to what it was before, even if it's only a very small change. I'm able to deal with this better now, and I do my best to ignore it, but I do go back to what's bothering me and tinker with it some to see if I can get it back.
Well, there's a lot I could probably bring up, but I'll stop here..