I've never liked elevators, that whole "falling feeling" never appealed to me...in fact, it kind of freaks me out. Hate most amusement park rides for the same reason.
But for some reason, I really like jumping down from high places
Maybe it's because I know I'm actually falling, and not just inside of something that's falling.
Also in elevators, I always get that freaked out feeling like what if it snaps and falls? I know real elevators have brakes, and they only kill people in movies, but I still can't help thinking about it.
Love escalators though =D Back when we had them in the mall, I'd always beg to go on them, even though there was nothing on the second floor. I even got to take one when I was leaving the hospital a few years ago =)
Too bad there aren't more of them around here =/
Stairs get me winded pretty quickly, but I don't mind them...I could do with the exercise anyway =P I usually take a few steps at a time.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...