Ever heard of Inattentive ADD?
I can concentrate for hours, at times. It's more like I can't figure out how to concentrate when I want to, on the things I want to focus on. It's not quite "attention deficit" for me, but "deficit in attention regulation".
Could be an off the wall suggestion, but how does your son do with caffeine? Caffeine is a mild stimulant, and I get some help from it, which is more than I get from prescription stimulants. (Lately I've been wondering if the dose was simply too high with the prescription ones... I have heard a lot of stories about Aspies being ultra-sensitive to medication and benefiting from toddler-sized dosages.) The one thing with caffeine is that you build up a tolerance, so weekends off is a good policy or you'll be feeding the poor kid triple espressos
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
Have ADHD inattentive subtype and asperger syndrom. I also used to read a lot of books as a kid. My attention span was really poor except from when I was reading.
I don't have hyperactivity but am still diagnosed with ADHD. In Norway ADD does not exist. Everyone is diagnosed with ADHD, but the H doesn't have to mean hyperactivity. It can also mean hypoactivity, which is the complete opposite.
Yes, I've been dx with it as an adult. It caused a lot of problems when I was a child. My mom would send me to do things and I'd just..go off and forget. I meant to do it, I would just get distracted. I was also spotty in school. I could never pay attention, but I had mostly good grades because I could read it and learn it later. Math threw me though because it wasn't something I could figure out myself later.
My mom insists I can't have it
A) because my older sister is ADHD and she can't wrap her head around having attention problems without the hyper-activity and
B) because she said I can read or watch TV for hours, but when I read I am reading fast and missing things because I am impatient, or I read for a little while and my mind wanders until I realize it and get back (that's with tv also). But she only sees that I appear to be staring at the book, so I must be concentrating.
My dh always laughs at me because pretty much every conversation we have I will interrupt. Hey, I was at the store today and I saw- hey, what's the dog doing?- my friend. We talked about moving-oh, don't forget I have to cancel the phone service before we move- and she said to keep in touch.
If you've been diagnosed with this, or have any experience with this diagnosis, I would love to hear about your story.
Inattention is associated with ADHD Inattentive as well as some of the subtle epilepsies such as petit mal/absence/complex partial/TLE and so on. Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) can also be a part of ADHD Inattentive too. The most informative book I've found on the topic of ADHD Inattentive by far is a How To (understand) book (1981) about ADHD by C. Thomas Wild since it reports a large, temporary reduction (not a cure) in ADHD Inattentive symptoms due to taking the right (aka an effective) medicine for ADHD.
Auditory Processing and ADHD
Paying Attention
Sustained Attention
Attention Span (Short, medium, long)
Working Memory
ADHD Inattentive
Petit Mal/Absence
ADHD Inattentive and Petit Mal/Absence are different.