Took this quiz when link was posted at Gestalt. Will vote in poll once I post this comment.
Belfast wrote:
The "tabulate results" button doesn't do anything so I printed it out & figured my scores. Got a 104. "Scores of 95 to 112=possible alexithymia".
Read whole explanation (I appreciate that this was included) at bottom of page, on the "target factors" so I broke down my scores within those areas (number of questions in section, my score subtotal, and average in each section):
F1- difficulty identifying feelings 6 items/18 points/average=3.00
F2- difficulty describing feelings 4 items/11 pts./avg.=2.75
F2b- vicarious interpretation of feelings 3 items/13 pts./avg.=4.33
F3- externally oriented thinking 7 items/14 pts./avg.=2.00
F4- restricted imaginative processes 7 items/15 pts./avg.=2.14
F5- problematic interpersonal relationships 6 items/19 pts./avg.=3.16
F5b- sexual difficulties and disinterest 4 items/14 pts./avg.=3.50
I answered "undecided" for many items. Many questions forced me to pick between polarities that I have divided loyalties towards. Cannot honestly choose only one or the other extreme position, because the truth is "both" (either at same time, or alternating, depending on specific circumstance). This is continual problem when I've done those "thinking OR feeling" tests, that give one results of INTJ or that sort of thing. I can't make these distinctions reliably.
Also, many questions that I could explain as being true for me are for reasons other than alexithymia. For instance, sex embarrasses me intensely-thus my answer to Q25 (about feeling incompetent, awkward, uncomfortable in sexual situations)-I put "strongly agree". However, on Q17, (about whether sex is functional/practical rather than emotional), I put "undecided"-because those terms aren't separable for me. If something has emotionally useful effects for me, that in itself is practical/functional utility, to my mind.
Not to mention, this is from current (level of maturity-acquired skills & experiences that I've reflected upon) vantage point. My answers would likely be more indicative of alexithymia in my younger years. Nonetheless, I enjoyed taking the quiz-despite having all sorts of quibbles with the particulars.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*