LabPet wrote:
In the Haven please look at the new Sticky, "Special Silent Forum." This is precisely what you're saying!
There are plenty of (partly) mute / NV Autists (such as Lab Pet here) who have special needs due to communication differences and implications. This is why I started the Special Silent Forum (Haven).
I always tend to forget the Special Silent Forum, thanks for pointing it out.
matsuiny2004 wrote:
nothing wrong with the preference. It is common among introvertsm which is a trait that has a genetic predisposition.
I'm extroverted though. I draw energy from socialising in an ADHD-and ASD-friendly environment and I like getting in touch with people, questioning them.
In those situation that may teachers meant, I did choose to not say anything, I just could not. Many people do not seem to consider other means of communication as communication. You can point at the answer and they'll later say 'I didn't see you pointing. or 'how would I know it's relevant to what I asked?'
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett