Magnus wrote:
Why did I think the German Shepherd was created by the Nazi's. I guess I read somewhere that Hitler had a blonde German Shepherd and I don't even remember where I read that. I could have sworn I read that about 2 years ago, that the Nazi's experimented on dogs as well as people and specifically were researching the German Shepherd.
I'm obsessing I know, cut me some slack. What were they doing though and why can't I find information on these experiments. All the info I find paints the eugenics doctors to be total sadists but my instincts tell me there is more to the story. Not that they weren't twisted, but where are the products of these experiments? Any thoughts, opinions?
One more thing I wonder now is how is it that the German Shepherd was originally a herding dog and now they don't seem to have the same characteristics of a typical herding dog. They seem to be more like hounds or hunting dogs. I don't have a fixed opinion, just curious.
ACTUALLY, I don't even know if blond german shepherds exist. And they ARE basically shepherds.
Aryans were originally light skinned, blond hair, blue eyes. Hitler tried to, for whatever reason, promote that and let those characteristics take over. They are ALL recessive.
BTW for the record, my eyes changed color around 8 as I recall. I was in school, etc....