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05 Oct 2008, 10:38 pm

I had problems learning my times table, and hated basic maths.
In high school I got an A+ for Applied math, and failed Pure....?
In Uni.. I had problems with some concepts, but excelled with others.

I like doing tests... yet can't fill out a tax form.


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06 Oct 2008, 9:39 am

My math skills are nothing extraordinary. I'm good at math, but not at a genius level.


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06 Oct 2008, 1:47 pm

I've been told that I'm good at Maths.
I'm probably better at problem solving real world Maths than abstract pure concepts though.

I've studied Maths to Advanced Level and got a fairly acceptable grade.
Advanced Level Applied Maths is tough though and requires a lot of practice.

I can do Maths well as long as it's graphical, visual and diagrammatic.
If I can't visualise or draw the problem. I usually cannot solve it.
I like to let my calculator/computer do the work for me where possible.

I'm a bit worse at numeric symbol manipulation though.
Hence I can do some geometry, but I paradoxically find it much harder to buy stuff at the shops and work out the change, even though I have okayish mental arithmetic skills.

I'm definitely above average, but not absolutely brilliant at Maths.
I find physics formulas a little confusing because they usually involve invisible forces!

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06 Oct 2008, 3:12 pm

I'm a few grades above the average ability for my age.


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06 Oct 2008, 7:07 pm

I do well with dates, but that is not really mathematical. It has more to do with memorization of facts.


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06 Oct 2008, 10:27 pm

Signs654 wrote:
I'm not so much a math genius.

me neither.

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06 Oct 2008, 11:31 pm

No. Absolutely not. And everything I'd like to pursue as a job or even a career involves some form of mathematics or other spatial-type ability, and this on top of physical disabilities and maybe AS or Non-Verbal Learning disabolity.

Disability, honestly, sucks.

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06 Oct 2008, 11:35 pm

Disability? Naaah. I'm twice exceptional.

I'm good at math. Enough said.

Everyone's trying to think outside the box, but how am I supposed to get in?


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06 Oct 2008, 11:51 pm

I'm a bit of a math geek. I majored in math for my undergraduate degree and have taken a few graduate level applied math courses for my graduate work. Needless to say I'm somewhat above average.

I’m especially good at trigonometric problems. I can rotate things around and visualize angles in my head. Once, just for fun, I derived the formula for the path of the sun in the sky for any given latitude and time of year. It took me a few hours.

When I took advanced courses I had a bit more trouble when it comes to purely symbolic and/or logical mathematics. When I get to a point where there’s no way to visualize or form a concrete example as an analogy to the problem I struggle. Proofs can be especially difficult.


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07 Oct 2008, 12:48 am

I'm above average but I wouldn't call it great. At that time where we started choosing more advanced math classes, was when I decided to rebel and turned into a pothead. I dropped down to "general" and coasted the rest of the way through high school. I do regret it now, though. If I could go back, that is the one thing that I would change.

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07 Oct 2008, 2:19 am

I have Nonverbal Learning Disorder, so nope! Math is one of my greatest weaknesses. Except for algebra. I've always been really advanced at algebra, probably because it's just memorization. But give me anything related to geometry or visual-spatial skills, and forget it!

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Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
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07 Oct 2008, 2:43 am

I struggle with maths.


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07 Oct 2008, 2:53 am

Meh. While I had some challenges at first, once I grasped numbers I was adept in arithmetic, and enthralled with algebra. Geometry is my kryptonite, unfortunately. Can still do two variable work in my head, but beyond that I'm useless.


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07 Oct 2008, 5:27 am

I was always terrible at maths in primarey school (6-12 years old) in a transition to highschool I started to understand things, and I became quite good. It was like I was realy bad at rote learning, but I started to learn other tricks that to me gave me short easy ways at doing maths, that to other people may not make much sense. Here is how it goes 2 times tables is double, 3 times tables is two times plus an extra 1 times amount, 4 times is double of 2 times, 5 is a system of halving it and timesing by ten, and 6 is is 5 times plus an extra amount. 7 and 8 I dont have a good system and struggle a bit, and 9s are the number take 1 times 10, then add what number is needed to get to 9 if both were added, ten is just add a zero or move the dot down a bit and 11 is usualy two of the number ie 6=66. I have some good systems in my head to quickly calculate these, and whenever I learn something I usualy look beyond the formulae and find the reason and idea behind the formulae. The way I see the way I remember is like a string of spider webs and the spider links a bunch of smaller information together useing different thickness for the importance something is to another. That is the problems is that I can not put large amounts of one single piece of information up as it feels like it put too much pressure on the threads and can cause me to have "problems". This appears in the fact I do not know any phone numbers, also I find that i work very slowely and I can not learn a raw equition without knowing what each thing means. But I do think that I have this weird thing where I put two of my fingers over the place where my eyebrows meet and for some reason I can get a great burst of mathematical thinking. Kind of like how Shikamaru cuffs his hands together to boost his thinking.

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07 Oct 2008, 5:40 am

No. I'm terrible at math, way more so than the average individual. it confuses and upsets me.


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07 Oct 2008, 8:44 am

Math Matters topic

I like word problems, and I tutor students up to grade 10. I am not a quick solver, but I plug away at it and try to be as accurate as possible. This is also how I tutor. Chemistry and physics problems are good because you have the visual, along with the trig stuff. Even if you are not a genius you can start by logically solving simple puzzles, and with increase confidence you can solve more complex problems. Practicing is the key, and a few others have already stated this. 8)

I am presently taking precalculus, and find it very challenging, but like any other discipline, you do the best you can. :)

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