Owendust wrote:
That's exactly how I would describe myself.
In fact, today, I was at my parent's house and my mom was watching a soap opera, One Life to Live. I saw a guy on the screen who looked familiar and I asker her if he used to be on another one of her soaps a while back. She said no, and then about five minutes later she suddenly remembered that he had been on General Hospital about 15 years ago, when I was about 11.
I think I scared a waitress one time, because I remembered her from when she used to swim laps at a pool that I life-guarded at about 5 years before. I told her I remembered her from the pool and asked if she still did yoga before she swam. Her eyes suddenly got wide and she looked slightly freaked out. The whole "creepy" factor is somewhat magnified when you're a guy, because it can make you look a bit stalker-ish. By the end of dinner, though, I guess I'd made her feel a bit more comfortable, because she told me I should stop by and see her again and even told me the name of the new pool she started swimming at. I realize now that I should have come back and asked her out, but at the time, my aspie-ness blinded me to that fact.
I get accused of that all the time and I'm a girl. people seem to have a hard time believing that I would remember their face "just like that". they automatically think that it's because they are so beautifull and interesting. and I just can't help it lol
not a bug - a feature.