There is the asymmetry of the body that makes one side lean more than the other. The common characteristic of walking with a tilted head or running sideways is caused by this. You can tell if a baby might be on the spectrum by lifting him/her and seeing if they can right themselves up.
Plus, I read that many people on the spectrum have one leg longer than the other and this causes the hips to shift unnaturally. My right leg is slightly longer and I hadn't noticed it until I read that article. This could cause a curvature in the spine. It also explains why so many aspies are klutzes.
Hey, I resemble that remark! I have a distinctive gait, to be kind, and thought of taking walking lessons, but the idea of contacting a modeling agency was just too weird. (I have nightmares of having people yell, "Work it, girl!" while I do my little turn on the catwalk.) I also can't walk in high heels to save my life, and have nasty surgical scars from the time I wiped out on a supposedly-safe adult tricycle.