It's also funny because Radiohead's music has such a repetitive quality sometimes. I'm mainly familiar with their more recent CD, "Hail to the Theif." All I can think of right now is "The raindrops, the raindrops the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops, the raindrops...." I can hear segments of the song in my mind very clearly, as I can with most music. I like Radiohead a lot, but they have this odd way of putting me in a particular "funk," I think their repetition and drawn out instrumental bits do odd things to my head, sometimes I even feel disconnected from my body, more often I get lethargic.
It is true that the lyrics are repetitive. But when I listen to music it is not just the lyrics I pick up, but every little detail of the song, the hooks, the beat everything. So with songs are quite simple instrumentally, I can hear it in my head perfectly. But Radiohead songs just have so many.... 'layers' to them.
Eh, I can't explain it, I'm not a music person. There is just so much going on behind their songs, beats upon beats, changing pace, rising and falling synths, background voices, other random assorted bleeps and bloops. Examples of this are Backdrifts, Where I End and You Begin and Idioteque (I can never figure out the drumbeats to this one, I think there are 2 of them).
Radiohead rocks
I have this suspicion that Thom Yorke has Aspergers...