Social dynamics is a mindless thing, it has all the meaning of people watching football, they act like it is important, thrilling, and worth their time.
In actual field study I have found AS to be very different, even if involved in the same subject. It is not like minds, just a like subject, that they are crossing through. The value in this is they come from different backgrounds, paths, other interests, and directions, but can share and expand on a point of obsession.
We group differently, I see it as at the edges. This subject specific exchange can be very educational.
All of my stories have holes in them, dealing with another, they are the same, but our stories go together like a zipper.
I see the same in my mind, if I can attach something to what I am sure is true, I never forget it, it fills a place, random things I cannot remember, like a phone number. Most of life is random to me.
We are collectors and organizers, that overcomes the personal. Discovering that someone knows things that you do not, makes you richer. Most of the world uses confusion to maintain their powerbase, we join them in a rational fashion.
Take education, a simple process where one generation transmits their knowledge to the next. For us it would be define the knowledge, and the best way of transmitting it. To the world it is an Elected School board, that has no background in knowedge or it's transmission, appointing Superentendents, Principals, hiring from teacher unions, and running a lot of contracting jobs, buying supplies and materials, and directing most of the funds to their retirment.
Business is also run that way, the economics of exchange mired in things like the current state of the economy, so many feeding on the secondary markets that no one was watching the primary goal of business, gain capital.
We have a clearer view of what we want, and the steps to get it and keep it. We fail at office politics.
We could work very well by the exploition of the weak by the weak. A mutual exploitation. In structured social groups most of the assets are grabbed by the strong, we are not structured. There would be the same gain through activity, and it would stay between the weak.
Start a business, start making some gain, and first it is the bankers who want to help you grow, growing larger it is the venture capitalists, and 99% of the time, everything you generate goes to pay them interest. The company can not grow, it is kept as a feeder for money lenders. Perpetual debt servitude.
Reinvesting your gain in yourself, does cause growth, and more growth. The first thing bankers want is a business plan, just confess who you buy from, sell to, and how you make money, for they have lots of loans out, and can use that information.
My social rejection is based on my seeing those who can do, those who can't, lie, steal, and form religions.
Aspies would rather play with the Lego.