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11 Dec 2008, 7:49 pm



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12 Dec 2008, 3:02 am

i am a water fanatic. we used to live near the ocean, in rural australia (byron bay) and then moved about 20 minutes inland. we put a pool in. I need to immerse myself in water and just have it there to watch and to see and to be near. it soothes me. I have always been like this about water.

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12 Dec 2008, 3:04 am

Never really cared for swimming. parents put me in swimming courses as a kid and never got the whole "go underwater without blocking your nose" aspect. Nowadays i can do it, for a limited time, but still, even after having a pool my entire life, i never cared for it.

Water skiing would be awesome on the other hand!


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12 Dec 2008, 3:17 am

Ehh. I don't like swimming. People that swim are often noisy and splash you, and don't understand why you're fine in the corner alone and don't want to be splashed. I also do not feel comfortable in swim suits-- so when I do swim it is in my clothes which is also uncomfortable and hard work trying to get them off afterward. Swimming at night all alone is relaxing, however.


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12 Dec 2008, 5:15 pm

Loborojo wrote:
Well, I can't remember who of the family told me about my dad. But it is true. I can still swim in the sea, but if I cannot see what is underneath or the slightes thought of a shark, or a tiny school of fish pecking at my skin like it happened in Goa and in Thailand, I freak out and go straight to the shore.
I have never been nibbled by fish, except the ones in my aquarium. I have been stung by jelly fish several times while swimming. I swim real fast to get away from that. Kicking fish that I cant see feels weird. Sometimes they are smooth and sometimes they are slimy, but they are always unexpected. I don't understand the reason for going all the way to shore though.

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12 Dec 2008, 5:40 pm

I heard there's a new spa therapy from Japan, where you have fish nibble the dead skin off of your feet or something.


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13 Dec 2008, 12:03 am

I LOVE to swim. If no one is forcing things on to me. I had swiming lessons as a kid and they always ended in failure, even at a program for teaching autistic kids to swim. The autistic program was for younger, lower functning kids and did not seem to be for high functing Asperger eleven or twelve year olds. The instructors always seemed to make a big deal about my refusal to jump into the pool. They would harp and harp until I was in tears and having a full blown meltdown. Something about deph perception bothered me, plus I wasn't crazy about the big splash that would result. I did jump into the pool when a friend and I went to the pool for fun. I had a tremendous fear of "the deep end" becuase they were constantly telling us to avoid it. When they made us go to the deep end it was sheer hypocrisy. I hated being in close proxemity to other people. One instructor thought I had a fear of water. I had a fear of crowds. My first instructor at the autistic program was a b***h. My mom complaigned and I got assigined to a dittzy but nicer girl. The b***h got assigned to a non verbal child. Another time a neighbor and I went to a homeschool program at the YMCA. My mother had always suggested that the neighbor kid had AS but was never diagnosed because his religious nut grandparents did not approbe of that kind of thing. I am beginning to wonder because he fit in perfectaly in the program whereas I stuck out like a sore thumb. The swim instructor for the program was bitchier than the lady at the autism program. I had recently overcome my deep end fear and we were supposed to walk to the deep end. I figured I could just as well swim to the deep end to avoid the crowd. The lady grabed me my the arm and litterly drug me to the other side of the pool. At the deep end she was having everyone jump into the deep end. I feared she would push me into the deep end so I rushed to the gym where my mom was and told her what was going on. She followed me to the pool, found the instructor and ordered her to back off. For the rest of the program I was allowed to play and do my own thing. My mom is the epitomy of the mama bear complex. My mom told me after the program I could play and do my own thing but everyone was ordered out of the pool because there was no life gaurd. I knew how to swim so I figured I would be okay. The lady litterlay cornered me trying to make me exit the pool. It turned into a huge power strugle. If I am cournered I panic and will fight like I am being killed. After years of lessons, I have never actualy learned to swim because the instructors basicaly had no idea how to teach me. I would probably actualy learn from a dolphin or seal or something of the non human variety.


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13 Dec 2008, 12:13 am

I failed swimming lessons for seven years in a row.

Finally, as a senior in High School, the only reason I passed is because when I showed up to take the swimming class I had failed the year before, the teacher looked at me with a mixture of pity and exasperation and told me she didn't want to see my face anymore, so as far as she was concerned, I passed.

The technical reason I had failed the last time though, is because it was mandatory to dive head first into the deep end. Simply jumping in feet first wasn't allowed. My pretending to dive from the side of the pool but spinning around like a cat in mid-air to eventually land feet first in the water didn't count. :roll: :wink: :lol:

I've gone swimming for fun but would not want to put myself in a situation where I'd have to survive if a boat sank.

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13 Dec 2008, 1:11 am

I like swimming, but it has to be in the ocean. Pools don't interest me - pretty small, no waves, and pretty much just an excuse for people to "hang out." (I also don't get the people who come to the beach just to lie on the sand, but that's another story...)

I agree with the earlier post about sounds underwater - pretty relaxing.


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13 Dec 2008, 1:31 am

I wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't so dang cold. In the summer, it feels great, so I don't mind it much(that first jump in is still a shock to the system). In the winter, I hate going to the YMCA to go swimming becasue it is cold when you get in, and when you finally get used to it, they are have a break, and I have to get out with my kids(they are under 18. )Then do the whole cycle over again. Then afterwards, into the freezing dressing rooms with the cold air blowing right on to you, and the cold showers. Cold is painful, so I really don't like swimming much unless the water is not extreemly cold, and there is a private sauna room, where I can go to get dressed and stay warm while I am doing it.


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13 Dec 2008, 3:42 am

Apparently as a toddler I just jumped into the water and started swimming straight away. So I've never had a problem with water. But it has to be really hot (32 degrees C plus) before I'll willingly get in a pool or the ocean.