Tails wrote:
Nobody can make an AS person NT. And no one should expect an AS person to conform exactly to NT 'standards' and expectations.
How come I've been expected to then?
This is the story of my life.
How come I've been told that I was "normal" all these years?
I see nothing wrong with learning to communicate to share experiences with others. I've learned many things from other people and vise versa.
However, I wonder if my magnifying glass like focus isn't hindering my social progress. It's great for looking at and examining how things work, but for socialising?
Oh dear, this is probably why I find group work and chatting so tough.
I'm a woman, so I'm just expected to "get it" immediately. No allowances are made. If allowances are made, people start to treat in a patronising way, so I can't seem to win.
It's so frustrating being able to study and anlayse something only to find that I find difficulty voicing my opinion in a large group discussion/"cocktail party scenario. There's no proper focus for me to "zoom in" on.