Following the rules.
The main exception to that is the speed limit. Don't know why but I tend to speed quite frequently.
Many people follow the rule of the herd, physics, and of the road... They go at the speed of traffic. In california, that meant the old speed limit was about 72(posted was 55). NOW, it is posted as 65, generally, but 72 is probably about the same.
"Actually, they're more like... guidelines - Pirates of the Carribean"...
Being in a large corporation, in IT, the rules are constantly changing. If I tried to follow the rules, I'd never get anything done...
I follow the spirit of the rules, with an eye towards not getting caught. They follow the results more than the procedure, so far it's worked for me...
i follow the rules to a degree. I don't speed and i dont break the law in terms of stealing or shoplifting or breaking into houses or robbing people - although in my youth i did and did so with a vengeance.
My number one rule these days - don't hurt myself or anyone else if i can help it.
I do know that i have an internal logic and an internal system of rules and values that i adhere to above and beyond those of the prevailing societal rules.
When my rules and internal logic intersect with the prevailing rules of the society i am happy to follow them.
And when they diverge, they diverge, and i actually have incredible difficulty understanding why an adherence to the prevailing societal rules must win out. I see this in my case as real theory of mind stuff. people can explain it to me until they are blue in the face and i still do not get it at all. I have been like this my whole life and it continues to this day. I see it very much as my distinct AS individuality, couple with those perosnality traits of mine that have been influencd by the sum total of my life experiences in all their myriad colours. I also choose to live by a strong social justice conscience. so, if the rule says capital punishment is my dying breath and dying day i say "PHOOEY....what a crock."
Last edited by millie on 21 Dec 2008, 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 18 Oct 2008
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Generally I follow the rules, especially at school. It's places like there where I'm most likely to panic for breaking a rule. In assembly we cannot talk. One time, without thinking, I said one thing to myself. I then thought "Oh no! I'll get in trouble!" even though nobody heard me!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
Interesting thread. I tend to follow the rules when I understand them, because I tend to be conservative, socially. I tend not to take chances. But I'm willing to not follow the rules when it makes more sense.
Last edited by Mysty on 21 Dec 2008, 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wow? am i the only one who disagrees to this? what does it matter if its a rule or not. make your own rules and think for yourself. Dont be a sheep. Do what you feel to be right. Not because someone else says it is. If theres a consequence towards you for breaking their rule, why not make your own consequences for them for breaking yours? Heres a perfect example of why following the rules is bad. 70% of the people in this test would torture someone if it was the rule. It just shows that most humans are pathetic and weak by nature. It disgusts me. I have realized before that while i wish to devote my life to opening peoples minds to think for themselfs, they would only do so because their told, thus contuining to follow society making any effort to do so practacally worthless because they can never change because the human consciousness is inherently weak. I understand it can be very hard to make decisions, but a random one is better than one you were told to do. Quit doing what your told and stand up for yourself.
Some NTs often look at the rules and know they exist, and know they should follow the rules, but they don't. And then when the rules are enforced, they get upset and act as if the rules do not apply to them.
I am mocked and teased for actually following the given rules and directions. But then they wonder why I get things done quicker and easier, whilist they keep having trouble.
Why is this?
This is something that gives me bouts of high-blood pressure on a daily basis too. Mostly over laws for driving or over people who don't follow the leash law. I can't even watch the show 'Parking Wars'. The people on there all have what's coming to them. They park in the wrong place and then scream and yell when they find there car has been towed, then it's everyone else's fault but theirs.

Some NTs often look at the rules and know they exist, and know they should follow the rules, but they don't. And then when the rules are enforced, they get upset and act as if the rules do not apply to them.
I am mocked and teased for actually following the given rules and directions. But then they wonder why I get things done quicker and easier, whilist they keep having trouble.
Why is this?
Is "following the WRITTEN rules" an AS trait? I am not talking about those vague, unwritten rules. I am talking about those rules that are made clear for everyone to see.
I've heard it IS! I often tend to, even when I know I really shouldn't. It seems OTHERS are lauded for breaking the rules, even while I am reprimanded. And sometimes it is AMAZING what I am asked to PROVE. I wish I could remember a precise example, but it is SERIOUSLY like I could say that the average tree in summer has green leaves, and people will disagree, and ask me to prove it! INCREDIBLE!
I have that problem too about "prove it." Oh it gets on my nerves. You'd think since I got everyone beat on any test score that I would be considered more credible. They are also the same people that call me stupid over an opinion (like my friend would tell me that I need to discipline my kids more, and I'd respond with something like I'd rather mother my kids using the behavior modification approach where it's not about discipline but consequences, and they'd say, Well you are just stupid). Then they wonder why I don't call them all the time and would rather talk to perfect strangers on the internet.
When it comes to following the rules, I generally try to do that. I always wear my seatbelt, even when it made no sense when I was pregnant because it only works if it's on you right and they aren't designed for pregnant women. But, then I lived on a base where they actively looked for people not wearing your seatbelt, and penalty was loss of base driving priviledges, and I wasn't about to walk to stores pregnant since I lived on base.
My rule is when I have a reason worthy to break the rule, I do. But, it has to be worthy enough to be worth the consequences. That includes breaking speed limit and running red lights when no traffic is there when I'm rushing my kids to the ER. That also includes, I need to break a rule, so I'm going to just yield at the stop sign because i feel like it. But I make sure I consider and manage all risks, and I don't do anything so crazy that it endangers people.
I also believe if the rule is unethical, I don't follow it. Military even tells you that. You are required by the UCMJ to follow your superior's orders and failure to do so is punishable, but if the orders are unethical, then you are not required to follow them. So technically, when ethics are concerned, I follow a rule to break one, well sort of anyway. I'm never in a position to take orders anymore since I'm inactive, but I figure it's a good concept, why change?
I do like breaking unwritten rules. My resume is not anything like a normal resume, it's actually better. As a manager, I hated reading through resumes. So, now my resume is designed for a quick one minute or less read. Sometimes I do stuff like that to be a rebel, and sometimes like the resume, I do it to be innovative. I also have this huge desire to go this church that screwed me over years ago, and go in a skin tight black dress and flirt with every married man. That one I'd do to be a rebel.
Disagrees with what? (I'm assuming "disagrees to" means "disagrees with"; otherwise, I've no clue what "disagree to" means".) The original post in this thread was a question, not a statement.
I do suggest, reread my post just above yours, now that I've corrected my typing errors.
My tendency to follow the rules certainly does not come from any unwillingness to think for myself. I'm most definitely no sheep. I wouldn't know how to be one. Yes, I have a tendency to be socially conservative rather than take chances. But that doesn't magically give me the skills needed to follow the crowd. Rather, my tendency to be conservative is because I lack those skills.
I actually prefer to follow the rules, and if I know I've broken a rule, and no-one does anything about it, then I will challenge the rule.
Although what is more fun is to find the loopholes ("Well, there is nothing in the rules against it!"), and that which is not expressly forbidden is not only permitted, it is mandatory!