It's such a shame that todays generation is more likely to be watched than older people. Of course, while they're watching this generation, miss Granny Nickalot is stuffing her trolley with half a dozen boxes of Liquorice Allsorts. When they're finally caught, they act all senile.
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Uranus, I'm 59 and find I'm always being followed, although it isn't possible to tell why. Could be they desperately want to influence a sale, could be they think I'm Granny Nickalot. Either way, their behavior drives me away and I go home and buy online if possible.
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".
I try to avoid eye contact and crowds. I get panicky wen I see a crowd and go out of my way to avoid it. If I walk into a shop and its over crowded I tend to walk out of the shop.
I've bveen accused of stealing before and on occassions i have let them search me to prove they are idiots.
I had one manager apologise to me wen he shouted at me becoz i just burst into tears and ppl started looking at me so it made me panic coz i felt like they were judging me.
The manager asked my friend wot was wrong and he explained about my aspergers and the manager took pity and told me his daughter has it and apologised to me.
I hate shopping in crowds.
I hate crowds all together.
Especially christmas crowds.
The way I tackle it now is put on my mp3 player and think of it like a milatary operation
In, get wot I need and get out.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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I always attract the attention of security guards and cops, especially if I'm trying to get in and out of store quickly. Most of the time I hyperfocus on getting in and out, which I'm sure looks suspicious from their perspective. I've never been stopped or harassed at a store though.
Usually I try to ignore these things, but I did surprise myself recently. I found myself being stared at by a cop on my way out of a movie theater, who then nudged his partner in my direction. I looked up uncomfortably at them a few times to find that they were still staring, and decided I'd had enough. I'm not exactly an imposing figure by any stretch of the imagination, but I glared back at them and raised my eyebrows like "what?!". They both backed down and looked sheepishly in other directions, and actively avoided looking my way until I left a few minutes later.
yeh lol me too, I've had the store manager or one of the sales ppl follow me around and when i turned around to see if they were following me, they would pretend to be organizing the items right behind me, but then when when i went to the next aisle they would follow me there....
Here is something fun:
Pretend you are going to steal something and walk towards the entrance and then stop and say "gotcha." Don't put the item in your coat or pockets, just walk towards the front entrance and then stop right when you get there.
I once did that in my teens and the store clerk said "Don't even think about it." I was stand right next to the front of the store and I have an item and I pretend I am going to put the item between these two things that set off the alarm to catch shoplifters.
CONS: They might assume you are really leaving the store and grab you and call security and not beleive you were playing a trick on them.
Putting thins in your pocket or hiding things in your coat might make them grab you and call security and not believe you were playing a trick on them.
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Good for you! Served them right!
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner
You could do this... "i word like to-a bey a damburger", followed by....
I go into stores and browse a lot, I have never been accused of shoplifting, although I have been quite often asked if I need assistance finding something. Quite often, I know exactly where I want to be, head there and take a look. I only buy when I am done browsing several stores, assuming I am not just browsing because it is a hobby of mine. If I were accused of shoplifting, I would show my innocence, and give them hell for making such a false accusation, and I would end with "Thank you and good day." and walk away looking very frustrated.
My sister, who is a troubled broken person has been caught shoplifting, although she did not want to parttake in it, but rather was dragged into it by someone who was a frined at the time. And based on what the cop who dealt with them said, she (the other girl) was probably looking to be caught based on what she was taking, and family dynamics, and was just attention seeking, the cop also said my sister would probably have never been involved if it weren't for the fact that she was with such a troubled person. He said these things based on his experience with similar events. My sister had to write a monthly essay on what she had done wrong, appologizing to Wal-Mart and was banned from all their Canadian stores for a year. Also, this is the sister that I hate for defecting to her mother who is lying maniacal b***h who just seeks to better her own life regardless of the cost to other people's lives. My mother only treats her kids well simply out of the fact that she figures we will probably return the favour, and figures that she will benefit from my future plans... She is mistaken, I do not plan to provide for her anything based on the harm she has to my family and the brokeness she has caused my sister, the pain she has caused my dad, and the hate she shows my step mom. She is my mother by birth, and only by birth. My real mother is my step mother, who would do a whole lot more to ensure my success, and shows it on a regular basis.
Anyways, back to shoplifting...
I would make sure anyone accusing me of shoplifting would never be able to forget the wrongness of his accusation, and I would find a way to make that person collapse inward on himself, and I am very skilled at doing such things.
I once bought a sound system at wal-mart, and paid for it in the electronics section, carried it to the front door, holding the recipt to the box, because I knew I was going to be asked for it. Everyone, apart from the employee that I showed the recipt to gave me very dirty looks, as if they thought I was trying to steal it.... Who in their right f****** mind would steal something of that size from a public place in broad daylight??? That alone should be enough reason not to assume that it is not theft.
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yes,am get this every time am anywhere am not in often,despite having one or two support staff with their council or NAS ID with self all the time,staff say what they are doing and get bothered themselves thinking its them who are being watched,am dont care if it wasnt for being assumed to be someone who is going to rob the place.
am hate the co op as well,because always wore a hood going in there,over ear defenders and ear plugs to block out the noise,and they later stuck a sign up saying no hoods up in the shop,those who do come in with them up will be banned-long time user,felt as if criminal.
its discrimination against part of autism [and the rest of the spectrum],like this selective stalking by security guards is-so it should be included in the DDA and ADA, if find this happening a lot, use it against them.
they need autism awareness training,bet theyve had disability awareness training only including physical disability and VI/HI.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!
I thought everyone gets asked this. They do it at Best Buy here or I should say used to because they don't do it every single time anymore. Every time my family went there and we buy something, the worker at the front of the store always asked to see the receipt and I see him do it to other people too. I guess they see you walk from the checkout counter so why ask for a receipt? Makes sense. If you bought the item in the back, then they would ask to see it.
Those people are just doing their jobs so I think they are required to ask everyone to see their receipt. They are just doing as they are told, no matter how illogical it sounds. Would rather keep their jobs than getting fired for not obeying.
am hate the co op as well,because always wore a hood going in there,over ear defenders and ear plugs to block out the noise,and they later stuck a sign up saying no hoods up in the shop,those who do come in with them up will be banned-long time user,felt as if criminal.
its discrimination against part of autism [and the rest of the spectrum],like this selective stalking by security guards is-so it should be included in the DDA and ADA, if find this happening a lot, use it against them.
they need autism awareness training,bet theyve had disability awareness training only including physical disability and VI/HI.
How are they going to know who is autistic and who isn't? We look like everyone else so no way they would know we have a condition. So I think the autism training might be useless because it be hard to tell between criminals and us.
I don't have a problem with cashiers watching me or looking at me, I always figured they do that to all their customers because it's part of their job. I don't think I have ever been followed.