cubedemon6073 wrote:
Greentea wrote:
We can't have the cake and eat it too. You're either relations-clueless or you're not. We can't control how our Aspieness will make things turn out. Eg: I had a boyfriend once whom all my friends had shown no interest in flirting with because they were aware how very out of their league he was. He was indeed a very special person and astoundingly good-looking. I, being relations clueless as usual, didn't catch he was out of my league and enjoyed a wonderful 2 years with him. I never saw another man as good-looking as him outside a movie screen. People would turn around to look at him on the street and at places we went to.
Can you please explain the logic of Have the cake and eat it too? How do NTs make the jump from this phrase to having everything thing you want and more? I understand what NTs are saying but I do not comprehend the leap that they make. In my mind, if I have cake in front of me why wouldn't I eat it? To me, their logic makes no sense but I just grin and bare it and pretend to understand it.
this is kind of amusing since one day my mother got to asking me phrases when I was a teenager. I answered all of them literally so the exchange went like this.
Mom: what does it mean when they say hop on the bus?
Me: uhhhh why would you hop on a bus they have stairs.
Mom: What does it mean when they say you can't have your cake and eat it too?
Me: The whole purpose of the cake is to be eaten its not for decoration.
I completely missed the signals that my mother was guininely worried. She stayed up all night then called my school psychologist (I was in a school for people with problems due to my depression putting me too far behind for me to go back to regular high school although I still got a diploma from where I should of went) saying how she was so worried I'm taking things too literally. The psychologist asked me all the questions again and then asked if I was joking and I said yes. So when we brought up the phrase thats what I thought of.