Some of these questions, I don't even know what they're asking. Like number two. I didn't know how to answer that. What do they mean? Take the same route to work/class? DOes 23 (I notice patterns in things all the time) refer to visual patterns or patterns like a conspiracy/theme? A little mouseover or question mark icon for "explain this, damn it!" would have been nice. FOr the routines one, I put slightly disagree because ruts make me suicidal.
Some can be taken different ways, like 10 (its because I don't care, not because I'm not paying attention) or 5 (not because I'm observant, but because I have hyperacusis) and 13, preferring to go to a library than a party? Well... if there's an open bar...
Quite vague, shouldn't be taken as a diagnostic end all be all. See a neuropsychologist.
I got 29. Diagnosed. IF they would have actually had questions on sensory integration, mine would have been higher.
An eye test section would have made it higher still.