chamoisee wrote:
What really bugged me was when nobody responded!! After all, that was the whole point, to prove that I existed by evoking a response from the other people.
This is another factor that we should consider when we troll to prove we exist. Why must we prove our existance in such a way that we know will result in a negative response? I say "we" because I seem to do this in life, also. I respond to people at home & work sometimes
knowing the response will be one that will put me in a defense-type mode rather than just keeping my opinion to myself. Sometimes it's not even my opinion, I'm just trying to play "the devils advocate" to make a conversation "more lively" at least, I think that's what I'm doing. Is it perhaps that I know I'm going to be ridiculed for my stand but it seems more comfortable for me to have the majority upset and mad at me? Do I get in these situations because I feel safer in this kind of situation? I have a hard time knowing how to react when the crowd is
with me not against me. I'm used to being the underdog, I suppose.