garyww wrote:
I think there are two kinds of intrinsic talents. One comes from the head and results in mostly written or painted or drawn or acted-out types of 'results' or expression and the other comes from the body and is expressed through working with ones hands and the results are sculptures, furntture, musical instruments, houses, bridges, weldments and those types of things. Some people have both levels. Talents and their results are sometimes hard to judge as they are subjected to criteria of 'worth' or 'value' by society.
I perfectly understand what you say Gary, but I tried to say that one sometimes get caugth between one's profession, and what one really wants to do, or are talented to do. And that this may have something to do with the AS condition.
I liked your definition of talents, by the way.
I don't pay any attention to you, standing there thinking you are in control, cause I am in control-mosez