RoisinDubh wrote:
Most of the time, when I have to, I do a pretty good job of 'passing' as NT. This wasn't always the case, but it is now. Sometimes I genuinely enjoy being out and about, and being social, even to the point of where I'll get upset if for whatever reason, I CAN'T be. But if I'm too stressed out, or overloaded with sound or other unpleasant stimuli, I go all autistic on myself, and can't control it in the slightest.
As someone said already, I think it has less to do with randomly having 'good' and 'bad' days and more to do with what's going on in our enviornment.
When I was in graduate school, I noticed periodic fluctuations: after three weeks of sociability, I would introvert for three weeks, then extrovert again for three weeks etc.: "introvert" meaning I would hardly even go out or talk to people if I could avoid it, and would concentrate on my own affairs.
Then later, those days when I didn't want to get out of bed sound like those days when I had been overloaded with sensory input. And if I was depressed, it was partly Seasonal Affective Disorder and partly that my colleagues were workplace-mobbing me, trying to take my job away, and I was socially isolated not because of undiagnosed AS but because they were doing everything to ostracize me because I didn't belong in their small town.