lostinparadise wrote:
does bright light like bright sunlight or camera flash light annoyes you?
Bright light is very painful. I can't even go out on a cloudy day without glasses. I heard that Bono is also very light-sensitive - which is why he wears sunglasses. Wonder if he's an Aspie?
I also have astigmatism, so I need to get prescription sunglasses. Expensive. Also, those dilation drops virtually blind me for the rest of the day.
I have to wear sunglasses in bright malls and stuff. If I try to wear my regular glasses it feels as if someone's aiming lightrays through a magnifying glass at my retinas.
I love snow and skiing, but I can barely tolerate the glare of the snow - even with sunglasses.
All my eye doctors have been clueless about it. They just blow it off - like I'm just a little extra sensitive.
Ironically, I can't stand having the curtains or shades drawn during the day, so I usually walk around the house a little cockeyed and disoriented.