Greentea wrote:
The landlord tried to convince me not to report it to the police. I believe, though, that for a man to batter the door and yell demanding that a woman who lives alone open the door is more serious than just being "an angry person". .
That's what I think too. If it were me, I'd be worried that he was trying to get into my apartment and that's why he wanted me to open the door.
I think an NT would have done the same thing you did. The landlord probably just doesn't want the place to get a reputation for having creeps living there. He needs to talk to the guy but it doesn't look like he's going to because the guy's his friend... what a jerk.
So let me think of what an NT would do next. I'm trying to think of what my mom (who is super NT) would do. She'd call the cops.
Don't let people intimidate you out of calling the cops.
But then you have to think rationally. You call the cops... what if you got kicked out of your place?
But then think again... is it worth it to live in a place where everyone is such a jerk?