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04 Mar 2009, 12:29 am


tinky is currently trying to overcome anatidaephobia. They're out there and they will find you...

tinky's WP Mod email account: [email protected]

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04 Mar 2009, 12:30 am

Aside from sleep, eating, chores and the other necessary stuff, I play WW2 games on my computer, watch TV, catch movies in town or go window shopping, groceries once / twice a week, buy my copy of new scientist, read lots of books, pet and pamper the neighbour's cat, visit WP forums via cybercafe twice a week, and other stuff I forget.

Life is Painful. Suffering is Optional. Keep your face to the Sun and never see your Shadow.


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04 Mar 2009, 1:23 am

I'm starting to see a theme here and I'm no exception. Most of my "hobbies" are indoors (TV, movies, computer, video games, online, ect) but I do go for a walk at least every other day while I listen to my Ipod. I like to listen to Harry Potter podcasts like Mugglecast and Pottercast. I also go to a movie from time to time at the theater (go alone). I'm probably considered anti-social even when compared to other Aspies (although I've never been diagnosed).

Here is a list of my hobbies and interests.

I like reading about places, especially in Australia, UK, Ireleand, and the west coast of America
I spend an abnormal amount of time on Google Earth and Wikipedia
I like Harry Potter
I like Star Wars
I like Lotr
I like Computers
I like Warcraft III, especially the DOTA mod
I really like the actress Emily Browning


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04 Mar 2009, 1:56 pm

play with my bearded dragon

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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04 Mar 2009, 2:08 pm

It depends on the day. On mondays I have a meeting at 9AM, so I wake up at 8, drink four cups of tea or an Americano, have a bowl of cereal or a yoghurt cup, shower, dress, and go to the meeting.

I have breakfast with a colleague after the meeting. If I don't have an assignment due for class that afternoon, I might sleep for a couple of hours. Then I wake up and go to class.

I usually have meetings with student staff in the evenings.

On days when I don't have morning meetings, I sleep until 11:30 or Noon, study for class, go to meetings if they're scheduled, go to class, have more evening meetings, then sometimes watch TV or listen to music. Do homework, go to bed around 2AM.


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04 Mar 2009, 2:18 pm

Depends on the day, but generally it's playing/creating videogames, checking the Net, listening to music, playing my guitar(s), watch something on Hulu, watch Good Eats on TV, watch a movie, do some art...if I get bored I'll walk around the house and play with the pets for a bit.

Then there are other days where I hang out with my friends, and you never know what sort of adventures we may go on.

silvskaterdude wrote:
i wake up go to school get home skateboard and or bmx bike ( by myself in my basement in the winter) with my freinds around the neiborhood or at the skatepark every other time of the year...on saturdays I hang with my freinds at the mall on sundays i hang with my freinds on the beach.

That beach wouldn't be Lake Michigan by any chance, would it? That sounds a lot like the area around where I live (though I suppose it could apply to any Eastern region near an ocean).

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

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Pileated woodpecker

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04 Mar 2009, 2:51 pm

I work 4 days a week, about 4 hours a day... it's factory work, but I like the low-pressure feel of the place. I usually wake up at 7 and scramble trying to get all of my son's things done, ie. wake him, give him his adderall, grab clothes out for him, make sure all his things are in his bag & ready for school (all of this sounds like a super caring mom thing to do, but with a son who has huge executive function issues, I've really been trying to 'allow' him to be responsible for himself). Once I feel his stuff is all good to go, I check my blood sugar and take my insulin and proceed to get ready for work, which canNOT be done with out a fresh cup of coffee.

I then grab some more coffee thru a drive-thru and head to work. While at work I do what most would consider mind-numbing work, however for me, this is a good 4 hours to just relish in my thoughts, and study people.

Work ends, I drive a friend home and then prepare on my way home to become overwhelmed with my ADD-inattentive spouse & my PDD-NOS son. Within usually 15 minutes of getting in the door the combination of my son's overzealous personality, and my spouses near inability to address any of it, I walk to my bedroom, close the door and lay down. If I drift off for 20 mins or so, even better, as this almost acts like a 'reset' button for me. Usually while I'm doing this, Keith (bf) is actively attending to one of his own pleasures, which happens to be meal preparation, and thank God, cause if that were left to me, we'd all be malnourished from a diet of Mr. Noodles, KD, and anything else that comes from a box or a can. I usually wake or come out once Trent (my 12 year old son) has left the house to do his paper route, which he does very well at for the last two years. We've felt it very important to teach him that money is earned, not granted. He bought himself an Xbox 360 with his recent savings, and is very impressed with his efforts. During this, Keith and I catch up on how one another's day went, this usually consists of me rambling on and on about some insignificant slight or another and Keith pretending to be there, but much more absorbed in the smell of whatever he's cooking. Trent gets home, we eat dinner ....and then the homework 'routine' begins. We spend about 2 hours doing what would take a typical person about 20 minutes. Most of the two hours is spent with him arguing everything I say, I think he still believes that if he argues enough, I'll throw my arms up and walk away from it, this is where persistence is my best friend. I tell him to just sit there, take a break, and when he's ready to do it without all of the extra hassels, let me know and we'll pick up where we left off. It usually takes him about 2 and a half minutes before he begins pleading "Mmmoooooommmmm, I'm ready!! !! !!" in a very whiny, underachieving way, but it lets me know that he's willing to do what needs to get done, rather than sit there all night. Once homework is complete, the boys will usually find something on TV they like, while I sit here at the computer in my constant quest to research just about anything under the sun, whatever appeals to me at any given moment which lately has been ASD, and has contributed very positively to our chaotic household. 10 pm Trent hits the sheets after his 1.5 mg's of Melatonin. Once he's off to bed, I spend about the next hour telling Keith EVERYTHING I've learned through my incessant research. Keith usually nods, but lately, he's been much more invested in understanding, which has also helped a lot. Around 11-11:30 Keith goes to bed.

I continue reading until about 1 a.m. as this hour and a half is the MUCH needed "me" time in my day.

Weekends are our down time. Right now the only weekend plans I make are simply to get Trent to his ball hockey games. For a kid with little to none teamwork/social skills, this can be a huge effort in itself. But he's getting better, and I keep pushing him to go as a means to improve on his social skills. The rest of the weekend we spend doing other things like painting, video games, long drives (these drives are our most enjoyable 'family' time) then I'll paint some more, then I'll sit back, smoke and stare at my painting, for up to two hours, until I'm hit with an urge of what to do next, and back to painting again.

Monday=reset, and do it again.

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04 Mar 2009, 9:06 pm

Monday---get up prior to 6:00 A.M. and get ready to go to work (I am a high school gifted intervention specialist---I work with 7 gifted kids). Get back home a little before 4:00 P.M. Eat dinner. Enjoy my family (wife and two sons). Work on my computer---often working on my novel.

Tuesday---same as Monday, except my wife and I take my youngest son to Cub Scouts.

Wednesday---same as Monday, except I have choir practice at church in the evening (I am the church organist).

Thursday---same as Monday, except my wife and I take my youngest son to his piano lesson.

Friday---same as Monday. We often go out to shop or something in the evening.

Saturday---either spend the day at home, or go someplace fun.

Sunday---I go to church (I am the church organist). After church---usually take a nap in the afternoon. Also work on my novel on my computer.

Well, that is my weekly routine. But there are many other things that I often do too (obsessive interests, etc.)

"My journey has just begun."


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04 Mar 2009, 10:18 pm

Get up around noon
Watch TV/DVDs or play video games
Leave for work at 3:30pm
Get home from work about 12:30am
Watch TV/DVDs or play video games
Go to bed about 4:00am

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 Mar 2009, 3:03 am

I actually do have a job right now; I currently work at a bank four days a week, ten hours a day. I normally get up a short time before work, grab a bite to eat, and then go to work. After work, I almost always get on my computer and go online for a while, usually checking sci-fi/fantasy websites and watching Price is Right broadcasts.

On Thursdays (my off day) and weekends I usually sleep in late, do laundry and occasional cleaning, cook supper on Saturdays, and use my computer more and read.

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Tufted Titmouse

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05 Mar 2009, 7:19 am

I've got my days set. I get up at 9 p.m. and I'm at work at 10 p.m. My shift's over at 6 a.m. Home by 6:30, breakfast and exercise until 8:30. Then it's off to Dog Park with the wife and three mutts. Home from the park at around 10 to 10:30 a.m. After that its two hours of either running errands with the wife, or hanging out at home watching TV or playing on the computer. Then in bed by 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. and sleep. I have a weekend job as well so this is seven days a week. The only thing that pulls me out of this routine is an emergency, and I told my wife years ago that unless the house is on fire, I'd prefer her to handle them too. And thank God she does. If I do ever have to break out of it, I don't melt down or anything, but I'm really annoyed until I get back on schedule. I used to call this kind of life "being in a rut", and it kind of bothered me that I liked it so much. But now that I know about Asperger's I'm happily going to embrace my Aspie life and enjoy it. :D

I really seem to care. About what I have no idea.


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05 Mar 2009, 7:29 am

I'm a servant of two dogs, so my life revolves around their needs. apart from that I live in a fixer upper on a neglected acreage, so it's an unending process of crappy tradesmen or spraying weeds and general manual labour, depending on the season and weather. I get up earlyish, unless i've had problems sleeping in which case i might be up for a few hours in the middle of the night, so i go back to bed about 5am and sleep in on those days. there's a lot of driving as the larger shopping districts here are about 25 minutes drive in opposite directions, although I have a small local shopping centre, it's quite limited.

Lately I'm having problems with the water pump and the suppliers are trying to fob me off with a reduced refund (it's under warranty) or 'there's nothing wrong with it'. there's always some problem like that you have to deal with, it's never ending.


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05 Mar 2009, 7:55 am

my computers did a lot today. they ran a rebate register verification and update. they also ran a "member purchases" electronic report. then my system performed a "member exclusion" report and finally when everyone was happy after inspecting those reports, my system produced a "recipient created tax invoice" rebate file (rcti).
after that was verified by the managers to be correct, they asked for the incentive reports of which there are 8 variants that must all be generated.
my computer system is programmed by me to do this with ease, so i clicked "monthly procedure for countrywide" and i went out and sat in the sun and fed the birds and thought my own ideas, and i got paid $3,300 for that excersize. it recurs every month.
that was my day mainly as i pottered down the garden building perches for the birds.
that is only one of my monthly chores.

i also flew from paris to london in a dc6 in flight simulator. and i played age of empires 2 for about 3 hours.

i have very primitive ways of spending my days.


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05 Mar 2009, 8:48 am

Well..for the longest time, i have been waking up, spending too much time on the internet, and not enough time on the housework...Then i have my internet business to run...I ride my bike or take the bus there....and my sock monkey business :evil: ...and oh...
My venue is re-opening this month, so that will more-or-less dominate my life for the indeterminate future....My year-long vacation is over, so despite somewhat severe executive dysfunction, I will need to regiment myself to stay on top of a million little things all at day creative projects...THE CLEANING(bane to my existence)...etc....

Today my schedule is as follows:

I need to go to two banks on my bike right after I do this post in order to make sure the check we wrote to our contractor does not bounce.... :roll:

Then I will come home and do the dishes which i need to try not to let pile up...not to mention all the other cleaning that I need to stay on top of...Big tubs of laundry in the car etc...

Then I need to work on this elaborate Lon Chaney Phantom of the Opera sock monkey that is way stinking overdue....I have been having a real hard time with him...have started on him twice...So I will pack that up and take it with me to the office....along with my ukulele...

At some point i need to start work on the Super Happy Fun Land March calendar, which I usually hand-draw...

I need into the office...take care of the regular orders plus a ton of back orders and at least one store order and a couple of angry customers....and then the office is a mess and I need to buy kitty litter for our kitten who is in exile over there...

Then I get picked up today by my parents and we go out to lunch and go shopping...this happens every week...usually on Wednesday, but it is happening today...

Then tonight is the night I hang out with my "secondary" boyfriend...we get one day a week..usually Tuesday...but sometimes we switch to Thursday and play at an open mic.

I am not sure how much of this I will actually accomplish...but those are things I outght to be doing instead of goofing off on WP.


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05 Mar 2009, 9:17 am

I usually go school (or college on thursday and work placement on friday)
then I spend most of my spare time on the internet or at my nanas, and on those rare occasions i'm going to a friends house, and out of all my friends I only see 2 out of school

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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05 Mar 2009, 10:38 am

I have already screwed up the first part of the schedule because of a dumb I am more than an hour behind.....grrr..... :?