ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
This is a website where people who have problems with social interactions come to share their experiences. That link, in my opinion, is quite insulting.
Yes and no. I'm kind of mixed about that link. But anyway, it's not about us.
If anything, it's about everyone except us. One of my main problems is that I don't fall for that crap because it takes me too long to figure out the lies. I'm often too naive to be fooled by most narcissists. (You can't cheat an honest man.) I see through their self-serving logic before I even understand what they want from me. If I point out a self-contradiction, people get mad at me because they think I'm refusing to play the game, when I haven't even gotten to that point yet.
I'm thinking of someone in particular who gets so tangled in her own lies that she can't keep track, then gets mad at me for pointing out the obvious self-contradictions. I'm bad because I caught you lying and stealing? How does that make me bad? "You think too much!"

I've spent a lot of time letting people get away with really stupid stuff because I'm dumbfounded by the stupidity and feel sorry for them. Even when I know what's going on, it twists my head around because I can't figure out whether they're really that stupid, or they just think I am...
Isn't she just a little bit embarrassed by getting caught in a lie? And when she tells me a funny story about how she scammed someone else, doesn't she think I can figure it out and know that she will do the same to me? Nope, not at all. She really believes that it's normal and that everyone does it. And the worst part is that it's true.
It just makes me want to find a cave or an island.