ruveyn wrote:
LabPet wrote:
Thank you for your post - ruveyn, do you teach Aspies? Unsure, given your post above.
I taught Normals in graduate school. Now I record technical books for the blind and dyslexic.
Sometimes I give talks and lectures. I am a born didactic. Give me a chance and I will chew your ear off your head.
hello ruveyn, thats cool you record technical books for blind and dyslexic people, I LOVE TECHNICAL MANUALS AND BOOKS!! any fav topics or categories of technical books??? me its computer troubleshooting manuals and books on door repair (if and when i find them, i only have one on doors, (closers specifically, made by HPC locksmith tools company)
i do observe too that the dyslexic if its voiced to them they can pick up on mechanical stuff and do really well at it, i think Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell(phone inventor) or Albert Eisenstein was dyslexic as well. my great grandfather ACTUALLY KNEW Albert Einstein!!
not including one of the people that have emailed me asking for help on how to adjust or fix a norton 78 B/F series traditional style door closer (which im sure you ruveyn has seen in your past the old door closer styling from <1960), turned out the arm was adjusted too short for the latch speed to work.
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