wrongchild wrote:
I'd like to share my music with someone. But the problem is
there are few of them have interest in my collections.
By the way, sometimes I don't want to share my music because
I don't want to let anyone know my collection. It makes me
feel like some one intend to steal them from me...
Yeha that so reminds me of that at this one Special Ed School I went to and got my Diploma from, there was a student who did not have a portable CD player at all, even though he was able to afford one, he had his own tape player though but he usually didn't bring it to School at all.
He sometimes had listened to my CD player and a CD on it as well but I did tell him he needed to start bringing his own Walkman cause i'm not always gonna be at the School or on the Bus (and well I did graduate from that School before he did, I knew it would happen too but he didn't see it coming till the year it happened).
Anyways there was this one CD I had brought in that I never got to listen to myself because he would be listening to the 3 tracks off the CD that were hits, but one day I was like, that is it, he's gotta learn to start bringing in his own Walkman and I decided I was not even bringing that certain CD in anymore since I never got to listen to it myself in the School or on the Bus.
No idea what the heck he did do after I graduated from that very School.