andantespianato wrote:
Why is it that when I want/need someone to talk to all my friends seem to disappear?
It's easy to be a friend to somebody when they're doing great. When times are tough, it's tough to be a friend.
Life brings a lot of problems that can't be solved by a kind word or a pat on the back. So "friends" fade away. Some were never really friends to begin with. Some care but are scared because they don't know what to do.
I have been ashamed for many years that I didn't reach out to a friend after they attempted suicide. I cared, but the truth is that I was shocked and I simply had no idea what to do. So I did nothing. That was stupid. Fortunately she is still alive.
I draw two lessons from this. 1) If a friend is in distress then I try really hard to be nice and caring and stay in touch. 2) I try to be understanding and compassionate towards the weakness and failings of others because I was also weak.