Stevo_the_Human wrote:
Anyone is gives themselves a self-diagnosis has no grounds for actually being autistic. It's like if Alfred Nobel gave the Nobel Prize to himself; it seems questionable, even selfish.
That isn't true actually. That is like saying that only professionals can be right, when they have in fact misdiagnosed people altogether. They can be wrong, and I believe that anyone who actually researches and uses a decent bit of reflection can be more correct than any professional. So, if one professional says, "No, you don't have AS", and another one says, "You have AS", who the hell is right then?
I've seen two professionals on the matter and both think I have AS, even though I had only interacted with them for about 30 minutes each. They knew nothing about me, really. Only a little bit of what my mother and I told each of them. Hell, one of them asked about my "obsessions" and I gave a clear gray answer of "gaming" (as if that is abnormal these days).
How does anyone here know that they weren't misdiagnosed? Simple answer: they compare the symptoms to themselves. If anything a professional diagnosis is only more misleading, especially when they aren't required for anything special (except for sitting on your ass all day taking money from the people of your country, oh, and to be a drama queen).
The summary of this post would be that professional diagnosis aren't needed. A note of this post would be that labels are also not needed. What is needed is your own understanding. Why the hell should anyone get paid to tell YOU how messed up you are? Go figure it out for yourself. If I ever decided to get a professional diagnosis, and actually got it, my life wouldn't change, because I'd still be me, so why bother?
Permanently inane.