Anyone have mental disorders besides ASD?
I have PTSD, pretty bad.
I have repeatedly been targeted by sociopaths when I'm in an academic environment.
At one university a professor became romantically obsessed with me and started stalking and sexually harassed me. He even went so far as to hack my student records in the school computer system and showed up at my classes making threatening remarks. He wasn't the sociopath, just clinically depressed (as later court papers revealed). When after several months of this I became unable to study and work, and started breaking down, I reported him to the university office for handling student complaints. There, I was misled and abused some more. The school had some sociopath in the office handling student complaints of discrimination and sexual abuse. The sociopath mistreated and bullied students and made all their complaints disappeared. I tried to fight back and expose him and the school set me up and brought false charges against me.
I carried my fight into the legal system, where it went up to the U.S. Supreme Court twice. In all that time, I got no interest or support from anyone. The ACLU and the National Womens' Law Center waded in a couple of times, but only on questions of law in the higher courts and wouldn't touch my personal claims. The state attorney general and other officials I tried to report the well-documented abuses to all laughed in my face or ignored me. Finally, 9 years into the court case, the sociopath in the school executive offices was busted for preying on underaged gay boys on the Internet, blackmailing sex from them and making pedophile pornography with them. He was busted and convicted. There was even incriminating evidence on his computer at the university when he was busted. And then the university made statements to the press about how amazed they were about the revelations about him, and this was during my lawsuit where they had been fighting against and suppressing my detailed descriptions of abuse for 9 years. They concealed the fact that he was in charge of handling (abusing) students complaining of sexual misconduct. The school and its faculty knew what this guy was and the kinds of things he did. He was useful to them to take out and harm student complaints of faculty sexual misconduct. I dismissed the case as pointless and totally worthless effort on my part, after he got convicted.
The university was George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. The same school Alex (of WP) goes to. The sociopath convicted of pedophilia and extortion was Ronald Sinacore.
After recovering from the devastating trauma for several years, I went back to school, where a very prominent professor named Dennis Healy who had an Asperger kid befriended me and became my benefactor. But to make a long story short, he was just a sexually desperate loser and corrupt perverted jerk who thought I was an easy screw -- he thought he could take advantage of my AS naivete. When I didn't have sex with him and some sex addict did who was doing his junior associate (Jeffrey Sieracki) and hanging around his and John Benedetto's professional program, he started retaliating against me. The sex addict was the second sociopath. She had some kind of multiple personality disorder and had a different personality for each of the guys she was doing, including guys off Craigslist. She had a PhD in Electrical Engineering and acted like an elitist, bragging about food, clothes, drove a Mercedes and talked like an aristocrat. But she was probably the most ignorant and stupid street-whore personality I ever met. Despite her amazing social skills (she was a great actress and had good charisma) she was such a stupid, evil b***h she couldn't get real boyfriends. According to her, the longest she had had a real single boyfriend was one month. Her personal life basically consisted of sleeping around with her Internet f**k buddies and trying to persuade them into making her a real girlfriend, and having disingenuous, emotionally phony love affairs with very important, prominent married men (like my professor, Dennis Healy) who would treat her like a lady for a while. In addition to her harassment and psychological undermining of me, she would also corner me and unload dozens of hours of mentally ill, self-obsessed talk onto me. She was some kind of sociopathic narcissist who obsessed night and day about herself and beating down other women.
Before I associated with Dennis Healy, I told him my story and my problems, and he promised that, if I came to work with him, he'd intervene in case I encountered any harassment or abusers that I couldn't handle on my own. Apparently, that promise didn't apply when it was his mentally ill, jealous mistress who started to harass and undermine me. He let her harass me, disrupt my work, and he even ended up letting her micromanage my project with him according to her abusive whim. The clearest mental picture I have of this important, prominent mathematician now is how he got sexually excited and flushed when I tried to explain to him how she was harassing me and being abusive toward me, and how he just blew me off and let her unload on me for months, while she talked behind his back and told me stories about how lousy he was in bed and how he talked about his wife behind her back. This was a very bizarre and sick situation. Dennis Healy is a very, VERY respected man. He's a top influential program manager at DARPA - the United States' Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency and a key protege of Tony Tether, the Director of DARPA. He's also a sexually inadequate, corrupt man in his personal life.
The school engaged in much the same retaliations against me, only slightly less open and slightly more creative, as GMU did, when I tried to complain.
That was several years ago. I suffered a really, really bad relapse, worse than the first trauma. I'm still trying to recover. I have great difficulty trusting NTs and working in my profession. I think they're all corrupt, especially the really influential ones that everyone thinks are such great, honorable men that no one will ever talk bad about them. They can be the ones who take the most advantage of females without social skills, while everyone looks the other way. Dennis Healy surrounds himself with women admirers, for example, while everyone thinks he's such a sweet guy for being so supportive of female professionals. I have very little trust of NTs and NT world, since I've seen such open abuse at the kinds of institutions that we all look up to.
In my opinion, if you don't have social skills, you can be eaten alive in NT world in the modern world. Just as in the Middle Ages, autistic women were probably killed as witches on a regular basis. Isn't that the stereotype of the unkempt, unpopular wise woman living alone at the edge of the village? Every age has their way of persecuting and mistreating the socially vulnerable, while everyone looks the other way. I have just happened to see how it works in white collar society today, up close and personal, on two separate occasions.
IMO, the white collar American institutions are all pretty corrupt, from Wall Street to Washington, and their system of pretentious elitism is all hollow and phony.
Last edited by ephemerella on 18 Mar 2009, 4:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Posts: 72
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Other things I've been diagnosed with, apart from AS, or which have been acknowledged by therapists etc. are:
Specific phobias (none currently)
Social anxiety disorder (symptoms improved after AS diagnosis)
Hypochondriasis (this is the pits)
Generalized anxiety disorder (this leaves me constantly fatigued and produces all manner of psychosomatic symptoms; just cannot relax)
There are a few other things I struggle with that haven't been assessed.
This type of thread to me is really healthy because I can understand who I am talking with if I have some inkling what their conditions are and I appreciate people posting here. The phoneys and wannabes seldom have the guts to be up front which seems stupid to me.
I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.
Definite problems with anxiety and depression over the years. I definitely had social anxiety from ages 8 to about 18 or so.
Last edited by anneurysm on 18 Mar 2009, 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I dunno what I have, except self-diagnosed anxiety disorder (independent of social situations or sensory overload).
Counsellor also says social anxiety, probably there is too, on top of generalised anxiety, but generalised anxiety kinda covers all bases already. Official diagnoses are anxiety disorder, AS, mild depression and ADHD. I'm personally doubting the ADHD.
- Liresse
During my years of seeing doctors I was diagnosed with depression, adhd and anxiety and prescribed medications for each.
I was depressed at one point, but it was not something longterm.
ADHD never fit me even though it was diagnosed.
I had crippling social anxiety and general anxiety, but this has been largely overcome save the occasional need for a Xanax.
Going through these diagnoses and exploring why depression and ADHD didn't quite fit, and why I still had the same underlying problems after largely overcoming my anxiety led my last doctor to Asperger's.
No. ASD is neurological, and theoretically a difference in physical structure of the brain. Bi-polar is attributed to faulty neurotransmitter output and uptake - more of a biochemical problem than structural. Schizophrenia is both structural and biochemical. Anxiety and personality disorders are triggered by one's environment. 'Mental' as opposed to 'Physical.'
Interesting that you would divide up the categories that way.
I tend to be fine with people who have organic psychiatric problems -- AS, bipolar, schizophrenics, etc.
I can be okay with people who have neuroses, depending on their underlying personalities. I myself have occasional bouts of anxiety disorder.
I have a very negative reaction to being around people with personality and identity disorders.
Last edited by ephemerella on 18 Mar 2009, 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
No. ASD is neurological, and theoretically a difference in physical structure of the brain. Bi-polar is attributed to faulty neurotransmitter output and uptake - more of a biochemical problem than structural. Schizophrenia is both structural and biochemical. Anxiety and personality disorders are triggered by one's environment. 'Mental' as opposed to 'Physical.'
i invite you to cite a firmly respected body of peer-reviewed journals if you would like to say that ASD is not a mental disorder.
- Liresse
Last edited by Liresse on 18 Mar 2009, 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.