Emor wrote:
Okay. I know people _hate_ people making generalizations.
I know an Aspie who isn't very prejudice at all(he's self-opinionated when it comes to things like sexuality and disabilities[I don't think he knows Aspergers is Autism...]), but all the other Aspies I know tend to not want to talk to me at first.
I know people don't like talking to me because I look ugly under the conventional definition. I don't really care, to be honest, it helps me separate the shallow people from the open people.
Now, with all the NTs I know, ratio wise, they're a lot more accepting of how I look, and ignore it. I had an NT boyfriend before, and he didn't mind how I looked(well, he did a bit, but not that much).
But with all the Aspies I've met, they've been reluctant to talk to me. EVERYONE else in the social skills group I go to, everyone gets a long. But with me, except from the only non-prejudice Aspie there, they all look away and give mumbled answers. But after getting to know me better, they've gradually been nicer to me.
I don't see how this is very fair. Everyone else was new to the group, and I don't do anything people find un-appealing. I don't smell bad. It must be because of how I look. Yet again, I don't care if I'm ugly, it shouldn't matter.
But, my question is, as an Aspie, are you more prejudice to how people look or not?
I don't know if this thread will get taken down.
And I'm not trying to be a jerk about Aspies, it might just be a coincidence or something. I know a lot of NTs who have viewed me as inferior because I'm ugly(trust me, I've had people think it's okay to shout mean things at me, or take my seat, or completely ignore me).
This thread isn't about my aesthetic state, it's about Aspies and prejudice and NTs. Yet again, it could just be a coincidence.
I think how those boys behaved towards you has more to do with them being boys in middle school, rather than them having AS. Then again, you also have to consider how they behave towards others. Maybe it's not necessarily about you, but more about how they behave towards people in general. They must be in social skills class for a reason.
And like you said, a lot of NTs behave the same way towards you. It must be more of a middle school thing.