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28 Mar 2009, 9:32 am

I probably have one of these flashbulb memories. I remember a time when I wanted to say a word but couldn't yet. I started saying words at 13 months mom says, so the memory probably took place before that.

My memory is consistent since before I was 2. I remember houses, gardens, streets and neighbourhood from that time detailed and accurately.

Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett


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28 Mar 2009, 9:35 am

i have many separate snaphot memories from my infancy, but i can not order them into any chronological sequence.
i can remember a time when my fat pads on the top of my feet (those fat pads that babies have on top of their feet) got slightly sunburnt. i remember a mosquito biting me on the left foot while my fat pad was sunburnt and i went beserk.

i remember getting my head stuck in the railings of the staircase upstairs. mum was outside and i squealed for a few minutes, and somehow my dad appeared and he bent the bars so i could get my head out.

i remember slightly saying my first sentence. i said to my mother "it is in the fridge" while she was looking for something she lost. it was a tub of whipped cream and i really wanted her to find it quickly.

she was astounded that i talked because i was 3 and never said a word before that (so she said. i did not register that at the time). she thought i may never speak she told me later as an adult.

i remember a very early dream from when i was not able to walk. it was that i cut the head off a kangaroo money box and i looked inside and saw no coins, i saw a symbol inside it that made me feel that i had made a mistake that would condemn me forever.

i can not explain it better than that as i was a baby when i had that dream, but i still remember it clearly.

those are some early memories.


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28 Mar 2009, 9:39 am

I remember standing in a bathroom with a black toilet seat. I asked my mum a few years ago where that would have been and she said it was the house where we lived when I was only around 18 months old. It was also around the time I smashed my head with the basin in that same bathroom (my head was fine, the basin was not). So that's probably why I don't remember much in that memory! We were only there for a short while, which is why I think the two things are probably related. I hadn't been potty trained yet, so there was no reason why I was in there.

The next memory I have is walking down a stone tunnel.. my dad in front and my mum behind. Later I found out this was in Tunisia when I was three. I remember a few things from that holiday, like being terrified of a camel (my dad wanted me to sit on the camel for a picture, he picked me up and I screamed until he put me down again. I compromised by having the picture taken when I was only standing next to it!), but being so excited to climb on an elephant (?!) and ride it. I remember how the elephant didn't have reins, just a stump to hold. There was also a bit where I was in the back of a van type thing with the holiday club - called The Big T Club (I was a little T.. and I still have the shirt :D ), and I noticed my front tooth had properly fallen out (it came through soft and bad, so it was only a matter of time.. most of it had broken off by this time), and I told my companions I had swallowed it, and it tasted of orange juice!

The next memory was when I was 3 1/2, and in nursery. I remember running in and being curious to who these ppl are and OMG there's a big slide :lol: . I learned later that it was my first day, and my mum was devastated as she'd brought me up consistently 24/7 until this day, and all I did was wave behind me, not even looking back at her! There were a few more memories from nursery, like how I was apparently the first kid in the class to draw an abdomen on a person (when you're that age you usually just draw a big head with lines for arms and legs as far as I know), and fingers on the arms. And the time where I realised I needed a wee, but it was a second before it just happened, and I was so distraught I sat there for a few minutes, with tears in my eyes, and then I looked at one of the nursery ppl to see if they'd noticed, and they came over to take me to the toilet to clean me up. And the awful memory. That first proper embarrassment because children are bastards. "Yellow Submarine" was being played during dance hour (or whatever), and loads of kids got up and danced in the middle of the circle we made. I didn't get up, and the nursery nurse picked me up and pushed me into the middle, so of course I had to dance. I copied one of the other girls, by spinning to make my skirt go all out, as I didn't know how to dance. Only to result in all the other girls move out of the middle, and sit back down. So I was all on my own. The song hadn't finished, so all I could do was keep dancing. I remember wondering why they moved away. Later I found out I never had any friends in nursery. :(

So three years old would be when I have proper intricate memories from.

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28 Mar 2009, 9:55 am

One of my earliest memories in clear detail, is the inside of my baby carriage. I was born in '75, I can remember the smell of the pleathery material it was made from and I can remember the sound of it being pushed along a sidewalk. It wasn't NEARLY as cushiony as strollers these days, but in my memory it was big and beautiful. I can also clearly remember my highchair. The tray on it had the same finish as an old countertop, and the seat was made of that same pleathery material as the stroller. I can clearly remember being in the back of my dad's covered pick-up when I was two. My brother and I were supposed to be sleeping in there on a camping trip. I remember him giving me a 'hair cut', which explained why I had about half an inch of bangs thru my third year. I can remember being 3 and my dad carrying me upstairs to put me to bed. I fought and I cried... my dad was very calm and said "....what was that?" When I tried to respond that I didn't want to go to bed, he'd tickle the crap out of me.... all the way up the stairs, with each attempted complaint. Then he'd tell me "..we never go to bed angry." God I miss him.

Last week at my son's psych visit, we were in the waiting room and me and his dad got talking about Trent's birth and how tough it was on him. (I'm diabetic, he was 10lbs 15oz!! !!) I mentioned how sad it was that they had to break his collar bone to get him out. ad says "What side was it on?" I respond "I honestly can't recall.." Trent (my son) pipes up and says VERY matter of factly, it was my LEFT!" I asked "How do you know?" He said "I can REMEMBER mom..."

People have always commented on my longterm, very detailed memory. I've brought to light so many things that others would have forgotten forever and been thanked. However, with this detailed memory, it means that all the negative memories are equally if not more vivid.


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28 Mar 2009, 10:36 am

Around three, I think. I have memories from when I was sick at the hospital, falling asleep before surgery. I also remember some things from my childhood home, the park I used to play at, etc.

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28 Mar 2009, 11:14 am

From when I was four years old, some experiences from USA.

*Our summerhouse in SanFransisco. My brother pulled the cord of an iron and got it in his head and he screamed his heart out...
* I dont remember the earthquake we experienced there, was just told my mother was incredible scared when she was alone with us kids.
*That I got a traditional SanFransico tram as a toy and that it melted when it was left in the rear window of the car in the hot sun.

*The baseball match I refused to take part of and I was screaming to leave the arena
*Our massive big red wide american car. Once I was put in the front seat. My father thougt it was a cool idea but I screamed:

*Our appartment in Chicago. I found it amusing to snatch householdpaper and chew it.

All of this was 30 years ago. I would love to see America again before I die!



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28 Mar 2009, 12:09 pm

well i was 3 when this happend but i was running around the basment and i was real hyper and my mom wanted me to calm down so my dad gets up and chases me around and is about to grab me and i trip and fall on my face and chipped part of my tooth off. even to this day my mom says that he put out his foot and tripped me but i dont remember that even happening.
oh and when they glued my tooth together i refused to open my mouth so they put me on happy gas and i remember seeing this truck with cows and i was hysterically laughing idk why!! !

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28 Mar 2009, 8:13 pm

My very earliest memory is being given a bath in the kitchen sink. This was before I could speak at all. I leaned back a bit and the faucet was hot and I jumped. I never asked my mom about it because if she remembers it at all she would maybe feel bad that she wasn't more careful.


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28 Mar 2009, 11:07 pm

I can remember being "under the lights" for jaundice, when I was a month old.

I can remember being in my crib during a storm and seeing my neighbors garage being struck by lightning when I was six months old.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...