For 10 years I also got diagnosed with depression,anxiety, and OCD. Now my doctors found out that I actually did not have any of these disorders, but the traits where all related to the Asperger's. The Asperger traits of talking about my interests and doing all of my rituals are actually relaxing for me(cause of the Asperger's), and not stressing(just like the typical OCD traits.) My depression was not actually depression but me feeling helpless,low esteem, and self-confidence issues because of my diagnosis, I was put into a group home and was not living my life the way I wanted to, as an independent person, not being over protected by my mom and/or group home agencies. As for anxiety, it was not actually anxiety, but more because of my aspergers because I have a lot of sensory issues and did not feel comfortable in a lot of environments, especially with people. Also, I had fears(not anxiety) that people would be mad at me if I did not please them, and I ended up doing things and putting myself in situations that I can not handle with Asperger's and as a result, I crashed.
I ended up on medications and it turned out I did not even need them. i was just misunderstood by everyone around me because they do not know Asperger's well. Because I was diagnosed with a disability people thought I was not capable of doing all the things that I can do to take care of myself, even though I am excellent at taking care of myself. At the same time because I am intelligent, people thought that I can cure and/or do all of the things that I can not do because of my Asperger's.