My (Aspie) son loves to stack things and line things up. It doesn't usually bother me, but once in a while he gets so rigid about it that if anyone in the house comes within feet of the stack/line he flips out. Then, I have to admit, it does get challenging. But usually I just ask him to move to his bedroom and close the door and he doesn't mind. The exception is when some underlying stress is causing him to be unusually rigid, in which case he even gets rigid about WHERE he does his lining up/stacking...then a lot of deep breaths and counting to ten are involved (on my part). He has three siblings, all under the age of 5, and our house isn't huge so it's nearly impossible to keep everyone a few feet away from his creations.
As an interesting aside, my 2yo NT daughter also loves to arrange/line up her toys and is really rigid about them being moved and touched. This one trait of hers screams Aspie, but that is the only AS trait she has.
Yes, NT kids do it sometimes, too. But normally they do it as part of their play. In other words, the goal isn't to arrange, it's to eventually play with the toys somehow. It seems to me that kids with AS do it just for the love of the visual effect it creates. The stacking/arranging is the goal.