...If it gets to my country, and I'm going on buses,etc,will put on a mask doused with essential oil of wintergreen,eucalyptus,lavender,whatever is to hand.
If thats too attention getting,just shove a bit of good 'ol Vicks vapour rub up yer nose,like they do in morgues,it will kill it.
NB Keep yer mouth SHUT !
(These two ideas don't mix,btw,homeopathy gets voided by the vapour or oils.)
PS Virus said to pass thro' masks,its very small.
If you get sick,or are worried about it,try searching out a Homeopath,some sell anti-flu stuff that kicks the ass of flu jabs..
-I got into alternatives when a company I worked for gave the option of pills or jabs,and the Homeopathic pills won out,all winter long,by about 10-1 sick days taken.
I DO care about all the people who get sick from this,that it started most likely by outsourced jobs in Mexico,and that rug companies will make tuns of money out of it,while poor folks suffer.Sucks big time.
I'm just realizing ..oh,wait,I have to Google that...